Welcome the Little Children

This month we share some testimonies from our VBS programs that we conduct in several locations. The message of the Gospel touches the hearts of the children, who then share Bible stories with their parents. Entire families are reached in this simple yet powerful way. Our story starts with J* and continues with the others.

A Teenager Commits Her Life to Christ

Nineteen-year-old J* is the oldest among the 5 children of our missionary S*. Seven years ago, her family, all of whom were raised as Hindus, became believers in Jesus. Since the beginning of their lives as Christians, S* has been actively involved in reaching the unreached villages and starting prayer groups. He also has been planting house churches. To support his family, he still works as a farmer, growing wheat and rice. Farming is the family’s main source of income.

Because J*’s father has a great desire to reach children with the Gospel, she has become a leading force behind the young people in the church. She has also taken the initiative in starting Sunday schools for slum children in their neighborhood.

J* is very gifted in teaching the children songs, and teaching Bible verses through the use of Bible stories. She started with 12 children, and by God’s grace and with her dedication and hard work, slowly the Sunday school grew to more than one-hundred children, within just a few months. Over the past three years, J* has started Sunday school classes in four different locations. Today, every week more than 500 children from the age of 6 to 16 are attending these Sunday school classes.

Last year we sent J* and 18 other young men and women for Sunday school teacher training. Last month under the leadership of J*, 20 of our young men and women who have been through the Sunday school training program conducted VBS (vacation Bible school) programs in different locations. In one month theses young people were able to conduct 21 VBS programs in the slums and in the poor villages. Over 8,000 children attended the three day VBS programs. Ninety percent of the children were from non-Christian backgrounds. All three days they were learning Bible stories, singing, worshipping, and praying. According to J* around 25-30% of the children made decisions to live for the Lord Jesus. Below are some of their testimonies.

Indian “Hippies” Hear the Gospel

Thirteen-year-old M* is an untouchable from a “hippy” community, a nomadic group who travel from place to place looking for work. Since this group of people doesn’t stay in one place, M* never attended school. When he saw that many local children were going to the community hall (where our VBS was being held), with curiosity he went to see what was happening. M* watched through the window and some of our brothers invited him to come inside and join the other children. It was the first time in his life he had participated in anything like this. With his whole heart he joined in the singing and he enjoyed listening to the stories. M*’s community is poor. The parents set out each morning to try to find work as laborers so they can may make money to buy food for their families each day. It was M*’s job to look after the young children, so during the break he went back home and brought all the other children from the hippy camp (more than 40 of them) to the VBS. On the second day of the VBS, M* and three other children from the hippy camp came forward to dedicate their lives to the Lord.

Three weeks ago one of our missionaries started a prayer meeting in the hippy community. More than 70 people including 35-40 children are attending the prayer group. Seeing the transformation in their son, M*’s whole family has started attending the prayer group.

Please pray for these children. They have never gone to school and their parents didn’t know how to raise them properly. Now some of our believers are helping to teach these children to read and write.

Muslim Children Come to Jesus

S*, a 13-year-old girl from a Muslim community, came to a VBS this year. For her it was altogether a different world. She liked everything in the VBS: singing songs with motions, hearing different parables and moral stories and even getting to meet other boys and girls from her Muslim community who were also attending the VBS. She was really enjoying every minute of it. Every day she went back home and shared with her mother about all the exciting things she had heard and done. She asked her mother questions about Jesus. On the last day of the VBS she brought her mother with her. That day, during the altar call, she and her mother went forward to receive Jesus as their personal Savior, along with many other children from the Muslim community. They desire to know how to please God with their lives. Through our VBS program, God is answering their prayers.

Jesus Saves the Slum Children

D*, a 14-year-old slum boy dropped out of school and played in the streets all day with other children. His father is an alcoholic and his mother is a domestic worker. She tried to provide for the family, but often she was forced to knock on neighbors’ doors and beg for rice so that she had something to feed her family.

A friend of D* brought him to the VBS. After his first day at the VBS, D* was very excited about everything: hearing new stories, singing and worshipping Jesus.

In the VBS, D* heard about Jesus for the first time through the Bible stories. D* was impressed by the many miracles Jesus had performed, and he was curious to know more about Him. As the days passed, the Lord moved in his heart and D* realized his need for Jesus. Willingly he came forward and received Jesus as his Savior. D* now prays every day and is growing in the Lord. He asks that we join him in prayer for the salvation of his family.

A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Children aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow; they’re also the leaders of today. Through singing songs, hearing Bible stories, and learning to pray, children discover Jesus—and they can’t wait to share their newfound hope at home. Everyone who comes into the Kingdom of God must enter as a child. What better way to reach a community than through the children? They have no prejudices or prior opinions about Jesus like the adults have. They have no reluctance to embrace the Gospel because of societal pressure, like their parents do. And, once they come to Christ and their parents see their genuine faith and love, it compels them to hear the message of the Gospel for themselves. By breaking down the walls of resistance, entire families and communities can be reached with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Will you help us in this task? The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. In addition, people’s minds are often on other things during the summer vacation months. Our funding may drop, but the needs continue. Please prayerfully consider supporting us, in reaching the children of India and their families.
Sharing His Message…
…until He comes,

July 2018 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

Sometimes we think the Gospel is complicated. We analyze it intellectually, discussing things like atonement, incarnation, eschatology, and other topics. But does the Gospel need to be understood intellectually in order to be received? When Jesus said in Luke 18:16 “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,” He was indicating that even children, with their limited intellect, have the capacity to embrace the kingdom of God.

In fact, He goes on to say in verse 17 “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” Sometimes we adults must follow the example of children, and set aside our rational intellect, in order to embrace the Person of a God who loves us, cares for us, and is able to change our world if we let Him.

As I said last month, how much do we expect God to really do? And, do we ever, unknowingly, put limitations or boundaries on His Power? Sometimes we see VBS programs as an afterthought, a necessary charity program to keep children occupied and out of trouble. But a VBS is more than that. Our teams are encountering more resistance to direct evangelism. So VBS programs are an effective spiritual strategy to reach into communities where there may be resistance to the Gospel. Once the children are reached with the message of love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, their parents are much more open to receive the Gospel for themselves.

Will you stand with us in prayer for our VBS programs? Ask God to direct our leadership teams in everything they do. And then, ask God if He would have you partner with us financially. We have seen donations drop off during the summer, as people’s minds are on other things. But God’s work must continue.

Thank you for continuing to pray for all of us here. And thank you to those who support us sacrificially every month. Please tell all your Christian friends about our new website and encourage them to join us as partners. Invite them to visit us at https://www.excitingword.org/revivalnow and they can read some of the same newsletter stories that you enjoy! (the names have been changed to protect our pastors and missionaries)

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
