The Light Overcomes Darkness

One of the primary initiatives of our ministry is to raise up indigenous native leaders among unreached people groups to lead house churches in their own languages. By God’s grace, the hard work of our brothers and sisters, and the prayers and financial support of our partners, we were able to complete this year’s leadership training program. In 14 different training centers in different states, 389 men and women, students from all walks of life, completed the training program. Our leadership team crisscrossed northern India from one training center to another for the graduation ceremonies. We give praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for the impact of the training program on the unreached community in India.

We are training up native people in their own culture and empowering them to share the Gospel to their own community or village. By God’s grace these trainees are impacting, touching, and transforming hundreds of lives.

Called to Those Sitting In Darkness

Almost 7 years ago, Brother Aman and wife, along with their two children, came to one of our leaders and told him they wanted to move from the mission station where they had been working for 5 years, and go to a new, unreached village in Punjab. They had established a very good church, with more than 120 baptized believers, and had even built a church building. Our leader felt it was a foolish decision. He tried to explain to them the advantage of their present mission station, and all the disadvantages of starting a new mission station. But they were convinced that the Lord wanted them to leave their established mission station and go the unreached people group. We gave them three months of time to pray about it, saying “if you still feel the same way, we can think about it.” Meanwhile, we asked them to ask the Lord where He wanted to send them.After three months, they came back and told us they were sure, convinced that the Lord was asking them to move to an unreached village. They had heard about this unreached area through one of their relatives, which was 200 miles away from their established station. As soon as they could, they moved to the village, which was a well known haven for drug addiction, drug trafficking, alcoholism and witchcraft. Local authorities knew that 80% of the youth in that area were addicted to drugs or alcohol. The women in the families had resorted to all kinds of witchcraft, in an attempt to free their husbands or sons from their addictions. Spiritually speaking, the area was in total darkness.

It was into this spiritually dark place that Aman and his family moved, renting a house in the village. The very first day, their house was broken into, and clothes and important documents were stolen. A year and a half after moving to that area, we visited Aman and his family. They shared their disappointment with us. They had worked hard for 18 months, sharing the gospel in the village, but people had only mocked, ridiculed, and persecuted them in return. They had to endure many health issues and financial struggles. We encouraged them to continue to trust God and continue the good work they were doing. We also encouraged them to start prayer walking in the village.

The Light Has Dawned

It has been 7 seven years now, of hard work and sacrifice, and God has honored their faithfulness. More than 175 people from that area have come to know the Lord and have been delivered. Men who had been under the influence of drugs for many years, and women who had been involved in witchcraft for many years, have all been set free by the power of the gospel! Last year we started a training center in that area, and 22 men and women completed the program. Last month, our team was in that village for their graduation, and more than 250 people from that area attended the graduation ceremony.

Light Comes to the Land of Shadows

There is a remote area in the state of Rajasthan where a particular community lives, where they practice all kinds of pagan worship, including animal sacrifices. Violence is a way of life for these people, and until four years ago, no one there had ever heard the gospel. It was then that one of our outreach teams reached that area and began sharing the gospel. They told about Jesus, and prayed for everyone they met. God, in His mercy, healed many from sickness and delivered many from evil spirits. Our brothers started prayer groups in many of the villages. When it was time for the outreach team to leave, one young man decided to stay behind. God put in his heart a vision to continue to minister to that community. This young man was 23 years old, came from a good family and was accustomed to having all the comforts of life, but he decided to stay back in a remote village among people who live without any modern conveniences or comforts. He is his parents’ only son, and they were very upset by his decision. They tried everything they could to bring him back home, but this young man continued ministering among the tribal people. For the past 4 years, the Lord has blessed his efforts. A year ago he told us that they had 21 prayer groups. He said “it is almost impossible for me to reach every prayer group every week.” We asked him to start a training center in that area, and, glory to God, 26 men and women enrolled! Some of them had not yet been baptized. Usually we will not allow unbaptized people to attend the training, but for this center we made an exception. Last month our team was in that area for their graduation ceremony. After the graduation we had a baptism service, where 48 people (including 11 of the trainees) were given baptism.

Good News to the Poor

Many of you will remember the story of Pawan and his daughters and their slum ministry that we published a few month ago. Through Pawan and his daughters’ ministry to the underprivileged slum people, hundreds of people came forward, accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and received baptism. Of these, 23 men and women who had been delivered from witchcraft and idol worship attended one of our training centers (in Pawan’s house) for over a year. This April, they completed the training, and we had a graduation ceremony for them. As part of their practical training, these trainees did outreach in different slums. Through their outreach, many have come to faith in Christ, and they have started prayer groups in the slums. Just last week, 68 people received baptism because of the outreach of these trainees!

Will you help us continue shining the Light of the Gospel in the darkest places of India? Will you invest in the Great Harvest that Jesus spoke of, and is now taking place? You can share in the blessings! To find out how, just click one of the links below. Our missionaries will be blessed, and you will too!

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June 2019 Letter

Shine your Light!

Dear Partners and Friends,

It’s a simple law of physics – light overcomes darkness. Darkness can seem powerful and frightening, until the smallest light is lit, and immediately darkness must retreat. Even the gloomiest shadows are no match for the smallest flicker of light from a candle or a small flashlight.

So it is with the Gospel. A single person, committed to Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit, can transform an entire area engulfed in darkness. These are the stories in this month’s newsletter. One family moving into an unreached village. One young man who gives up his life of comfort to live in a tribal village. And these are just a few of the many stories we have heard among our outreach teams.

Do you feel outnumbered? Insignificant? The darkness around you is no match for the light within. If you have given your life to Christ, if He has filled you with His Spirit and His Power, as someone has said, God plus you equals a majority. When you fill your heart and mind with God’s Word, and then act on it, responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can have a lasting impact on the people around you. You can bring the Kingdom of Heaven into the earth realm. You can change your neighborhood, your city.

Start shining your light in your area of influence, among the people you live with, the people you work with. Where there is discouragement, bring hope. Where there is pain and sorrow, bring the love of Christ in prayer. And watch what God will do. He is no respecter of persons. What He has done for others, He will do for you. Just ask, and believe, and you will receive. And as He answers your prayers, please send us your testimony so we can rejoice with you.

As I said last month, our mission work is limited, not by the willingness of our teams, but by the amount of funds we receive from our partners. Our teams are ready and willing to work. Will you help us to equip them? This month I am asking specifically, if you know of missions-minded people who have never heard of Exciting Word, please share this letter with them.

Please don’t feel pressured to give. If you are able to help, go to the Donate page. If you aren’t able to help this month, please pray. Your prayers are extremely important. And please share this newsletter with as many believers as you are able. Copy it, send them to our website, do whatever you can do to get the word out. We overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the word of our testimony. The more people who receive this newsletter, the more hearts will be touched, and the more God will provide for our missionaries. Without your help, we could do nothing to promote the Gospel.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
