The Gospel of Peace

Mrs. Heena, 30, a Muslim woman, became bedridden four years ago while giving birth to her younger son. She could not feel anything below the hip, and could not sit in a wheelchair for very long. Her husband, Ali, a banker by profession, took her to different hospitals and doctors where they did everything possible. After about 18 months they lost faith in modern medicine and began taking her to sorcerers and witch doctors. They did everything possible in accordance with their beliefs and practices, but her condition did not improve. They became hopeless, as the mental struggle grew worse. For Ali, fear and depression became a part of his life.

At this time, some of our house church leaders’ trainees were doing outreach in that area. On a Sunday afternoon, they knocked at Ali’s door. His parents opened the door, and two of our sisters shared the Gospel with them. When Ali’s parents mentioned Heena, our trainees asked permission to pray for her. Ali’s parents pointed to the room where Heena was laying. Together, our sisters shared with her about Jesus and His healing power. Since she was Muslim, she knew about “Isa Nabi” (Jesus, the prophet). Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but they do not believe that he was divine or the son of God. The Quran describes the miracles Jesus performed, such as healing the sick and raising the dead, but does not ascribe these miracles to his divinity.

The Gospel Brings Healing

The two women shared that Jesus still heals and one of them shared her testimony of how Jesus healed her from back pain she had for a long time. This built Heena’s faith. They then laid their hands on her and began to pray. Heena was laying in the bed.  After about 10 minutes of prayer, Heena said to her husband “look at my toes! I’m moving my toes!” For four years she had been unable to feel or move her toes. With great joy and a grateful heart the women continued to pray. God in His mercy touched Heena, healed her and raised her from her bed. This miracle led Ali, Heena and Ali’s parents to receive Jesus into their life.

Heena Worshipping the LORD

The Gospel Brings Persecution

Heena, Ali and his parents began to attend the local church, where they truly fell in love with the Lord. Innocently, they began to share their testimony with other Muslims. Within a few weeks, they were under great pressure from the Muslim community. They were threatened with death if they didn’t stop going to church. Ali was fearful, but Heena continued her walk with the Lord. Her in-laws stood with her, and for the last several months they have been persecuted physically, emotionally and have suffered financial losses because of their love for the Lord.

Under tremendous pressure, Ali stopped coming to church, and tried to stop Heena and His parents. But they fearlessly followed the Lord. Heena decided to receive baptism. Somehow the Muslim clergy came to know about it and they tried to stop Heena and Ali’s parents. They even put pressure on Ali to divorce Heena. On Sunday, August 4th, our team was there to give baptism to 21 people, among them were Heena and Ali’s parents. After the baptism, when we got back in the church, Heena came to us and said “Ali called me on the phone and divorced me.” If a Muslim husband says the word “talak” three times to his wife, he has legally divorced her under Sharia law. We were shaken by the sudden development, but Ali’s parents stood with her and comforted her.

After the baptism service, we were preparing to take Holy Communion when we saw Ali coming to the church. He was not alone, but was accompanied by the Muslim clergy and other senior members of the Muslim community, around 12 men in all. Our local pastor politely went out and welcomed them. He told them that we were having Holy Communion, and invited them inside the church and offered them a seat. They came and sat in the church, and listened as one of our team explained the importance and seriousness of communion, and the suffering of Christ on the Cross.

House church in Heena’s village

The Gospel Brings Reconciliation

The Muslim clergy and the people who came with him were listening carefully. We continued with communion, and near the end of the service we asked Heena to give her testimony in front of everyone, including the 12 Muslim men. With great humility she shared her testimony of how Jesus healed her from 4 years of her disease, agony, pain and humiliation. After her testimony, we gave an invitation for anyone who wanted special prayer. At this invitation, 7 out of the 12 Muslim men came forward for prayer. As they came and knelt down in front of the church our team and the local pastor laid hands on them and prayed for them.

After the meeting, the Muslim clergy came and told us that he had not known what Isa (“Jesus”) had done for her. He continued “some people in our community misled us and we are sorry.” He then went to Heena and blessed her, saying “Isa (Jesus) will bless you,” and strictly told Ali to never divorce her. Then he called our leader to grasp Heena’s and Ali’s hands together and he told them “I tried to separate you, but now we together (pointing to our leader) are uniting you in the name of Isa (Jesus).” It was a touching moment for all of us.

As he was leaving he told me “I learned about Jesus in the Quran but today what I heard about Jesus touched my heart. I will go back and try to learn more about Jesus.”

Last month on Sunday, September 8th, we were in that church for another baptism service, and the church was full. People were sitting outside in the shade. Among them, we saw a lot of Muslim men and women who have started to come to the church because of the testimony of Heena.

Bible class among Muslim youth

As we left the village that afternoon, we saw the Muslim clergy, standing on the road waiting for a bus. We stopped the car and greeted him. He was so happy and said to us “since we met I have been learning more and more about “Isa” (Jesus). For the last few weeks during Friday prayers I have been teaching about Isa (Jesus). Your words have touched my life too.”

Help Us Share the Gospel

Will you help us continue sharing the Gospel in the darkest places of India? Psalm 119:105 says ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.’ You can share in the blessings! To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India.

With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, and you will be blessed, along with thousands of others!

Proclaiming the Gospel…

…until He comes,

October 2019 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

Much of the world around us today lives in fear. Fear of financial failure; fear of dying; fear of things undermining our way of life; fear of sickness and disease; fear of others who don’t share our values; etc. Often we make decisions and choices from a posture of fear. We have faith in God, yet so often our daily life might not reflect that faith. Years ago I heard a saying “if you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” More important, what kind of evidence would they find? We go to church regularly, read our Bible, but do our lives have any impact on the world around us?

Missionary, author, and apostolic leader Leif Hetland encourages us to see people around us not as problems, but rather as possibilities. Instead of focusing on their history, see their destiny. Instead of seeing the disgusting sinner, see the destined saint. Our brothers and sisters in India saw a family from a different religion, one that is often associated with violence and terrorism, not as problems, but as possibilities. They saw a hurting family that needed the healing touch of Our Savior. And instead of running the other way, they embraced the family with the love of Christ, and their love and faith released miraculous power in this family, that impacted the entire village.

Are you reaching out to people around you? How do you see people of other religions – as a problem or a possibility? Are you willing to release the love of Christ to people around you? God wants to use you just as he is using our Indian brothers and sisters. The next time you encounter someone from another faith, offer to pray for them in the name of Jesus, and watch what God does. He loves people more than we do, and He wants to reveal His love to them.

As you step out, share your testimonies with us so we can rejoice with you, and agree for God’s perfect plan to be carried out.

We overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the word of our testimony. With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, the Kingdom of Heaven will be advanced, and you will be blessed! Our teams are actively working to advance God’s kingdom. For more inspiring and exciting testimonies, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,


Liberated To Liberate

Last month our national leadership team was visiting one of our mission stations in one of the most anti-Christian states of India. Because of the sensitive nature of this, we can’t mention the name of the state. Believers in this state have been experiencing a lot of anti-Christian activities and persecution for the past few years. Many of our ministry brothers working in the state have been threatened, beaten up, and harassed. Some of them have even been falsely accused and put in prison. In spite of all this, God has enabled our missionary brothers to carry the message of the Gospel to the unreached tribal villages who, until now, have never had a chance to hear the Gospel. Over the last few years, the church has grown tremendously in what was once a tribal area. 

On their visit, they were really blessed to see how God is moving in the lives of the people in that spiritually darkened area. They had great joy in baptizing many people in different mission stations, and joining the new believers in worshiping the Lord and in fellowship. One Sunday morning, they traveled to a remote village. On the previous night, after the meeting, some of our people warned them not to go to that area, because recently the Hindu radicals had attacked some of our churches in that area. In addition, they are preventing our native brothers from going to home prayer meetings, and stopping our house church leaders from visiting believers in their homes. Despite the warning, our state coordinator felt that it was time for our national leaders to go and stand with the new believers and strengthen their faith. They agreed, and were on their way to the village for the Sunday meeting.

Seeds Planted, Seeds Sprouting 

It was a two hour drive on a bumpy, unpaved village road. As they drove, they passed through hundreds of villages. Five years ago, they traveled the same road, and at that time they asked one of our native church leaders, “are there any Christians in these villages?” The local church leader replied “these villages don’t have a single Christian, and most of them have never heard the Gospel.” For the past five years, we have focused on reaching this area. Several outreach teams have been sent here, and several times our teams have visited this area and conducted public Gospel meetings. Traveling the same road this year, our national leaders asked our local, native leader, who was again traveling with them, the same question “are there any Christians in these villages?” This time, he answered “just a few years ago there was not even a single Christian in this area, but now a good number of villages have regular weekly prayer meetings. Most of the villages have one or more families who attend a house church service in a nearby village.” As they traveled, they thanked God for all He has done, in drawing hundreds of people to Himself!  

It Only Takes One Seed 

It all began with one woman named Sandya (not her real name). Some of our leaders have known her for 20 years. In 1998, a 22-year-old woman was brought to a small meeting in a remote village by her parents and a relative. During the meeting she became violent, attacking her parents and making loud noises. It was a memorable night. Because of her loud, violent actions, hundreds of village people gathered outside the meeting, curious as to what was happening. Our pastors and a small group of believers who were present gathered around her, laid hands on her, and prayed for her. In front of hundreds of unbelievers, God’s power fell on her, and in His mercy He delivered her from the evil spirits that had been tormenting her. Then they continued the meeting, during which she sat quietly and attentively the entire time. All the villagers who had been drawn by the commotion also sat and heard the Gospel, possibly for the first time. When they gave the altar call, the young woman was the first one to respond, followed by many of the villagers. Later our pastors came to know that she had been brought to that meeting from another remote village, six hours away, because the family said there was not a single Christian or church in their home area.

The Seed Multiplies

Later she was married to one of our missionaries Gagan (again, not his real name), and they moved to this unreached area. They started to reach the villages with the message of the Gospel. They faced lots of hardship and persecution, but our God kept them safe and used them for His glory. Through their hard work and with the support of our partners, hundreds of people have come to know the Lord, and are now being discipled within a local house church. In this area alone, they have trained up more than 49 men and women through our leadership training program to lead the local house churches. 

Seed Time Leads to Harvest 

As our national and state leaders approached the remote village the sky was cloudy, but their spirits were bright with anticipation. They were led to the side of the village where, filling a rice field, they saw more than 500 people, standing and worshiping the Lord Jesus under a large tent suspended by a metal framework. A team of young native brothers and sisters were leading worship in their native language. When they saw our team approaching the field, the people gave a great shout of “Hallelujah!” They received a heroic welcome as they joined their worship service. All the songs were in the native tribal language, and although our mission leaders did not understand the meaning, still they joined them in worshipping the One True God, Our Lord Almighty! They said their hearts were filled with joy, knowing these were the same people who worshiped evil spirits and stone-carved  idols for generations. Now they have come to the marvelous light of the Gospel, worshiping the Living God in Spirit and in Truth. 

After worship it was time for a testimony. A man between 45 and 50 years old stood and shared. “My wife was mentally ill for eight years. We have taken her to every hospital that would treat her. Most of the time we have had to put chains on her or lock her in a room. For the past 8 years our lives were a living hell. My four children suffered a lot physically, mentally and financially. My oldest daughter tried to commit suicide three months ago. Since then, doctors have diagnosed all my children as suffering from deep depression. They advised us to send my wife to a mental sanitarium, and keep her away from my children. But I didn’t want to send her. I longed for another solution. 

Two months ago my son, who is 12 years old, came and told me that his friend’s family goes to a prayer meeting every week. He said that many people come there and they pray for them and get delivered. The following Sunday I brought my wife here, along with my four children. We brought her in with her hands and legs chained, and we found a place to sit in the back. My son saw his friend, but other than that, we didn’t recognize anyone. During worship my wife made a lot of noise so a few women came and laid their hands on my wife and prayed for her in a very small voice.” (Sandya and some other sisters in the church) 

The man continued. “My wife became quiet and fell on the ground. Worship continued, and after ten minutes she opened her eyes and looked at us. I realized she was no longer the woman we brought in chains! I saw my loving and caring wife whom I married, and who lived with me eight years ago. The Lord Jesus has shown compassion on me and my children and healed and delivered my wife from every mental disorder! After the service that day, Pastor Gagan and Sandya asked us to unchain her, and we did. For the last two months our lives have been normal! Our Lord has wiped away our tears, the joy of the Lord has filled our heart, and laughter has filled our home!” 

He then asked his wife and children to stand in front of the people. They stood, a young woman and her four young children who were liberated from deep depression, into the abundant life that our Lord Jesus has  promised to us. I can assure you that everyone who sat there in the tent has a similar testimony to share, how they were delivered, or liberated from the bondage of sin. Our leaders were so blessed to be there and see the wonderful work of the Lord. 

Help Us Shine the Light

Will you help us continue shining the Light of the Gospel in the darkest places of India? Psalm 119:105 says ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.’ You can share in the blessings! To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, and you will be blessed, along with thousands of others!
Proclaiming the Gospel…
…until He comes,

September 2019 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

The national holiday for September is Labor Day here in the USA, so it seems appropriate to mention that Jesus told His disciples “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2, NASB) Every month, we send out hundreds of laborers into the harvest fields of India, and the results are always encouraging. This month’s testimony is no different. One person is delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. That person becomes a light of the Gospel, and as a result, hundreds more are brought into God’s kingdom.

As we partner together with each of you, we know our labor is not in vain. One sows the seed, another waters, but God gives the increase. When you help us financially, you are helping to provide “seed” for the sower and also helping provide the “water” to help the seeds grow. You may not be able to travel, and even if you can travel you may never have the opportunity to visit the remote villages where our missionaries share the Gospel. But by partnering with us, you can have an eternal impact on these remote villages, and hundreds can come to faith in Jesus Christ as a result. Hundreds of lives can be changed, and hundreds of villages can be transformed.

Testimonies like we read about in this month’s newsletter are the reason we don’t give up. Whether we are tired or discouraged, it doesn’t matter, because people’s lives are changed for all eternity. Whenever you are discouraged in your own situation, call or write us and we will be glad to pray with you. Together we will labor to enter into the rest and peace that Christ offers us. Together we will see His kingdom come and His will be done on this earth.

God wants to speak to you, to encourage you. So keep reading His Word, and when He speaks, feel free to share it with us.

We overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the word of our testimony. With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, the Kingdom of Heaven will be advanced, and you will be blessed! Our teams are actively working to advance God’s kingdom. For more inspiring and exciting testimonies, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
