Every year we present you, our Partners, with several new projects for your consideration. If you would like to give toward any of these projects, simply make your choice on the Project Fund Donation page when you make your gift. Any funds received above the need will be used for other projects. Thank you for your generosity!

Gift #1. 10 Bibles—$40
We have tribal people literally begging us for a Bible. We give them away in seven different languages for only $4 each. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.

Gift #2. Cotton Floor Rugs—$40
Many of the tribal come to the prayers meeting and sit on the cold dirt floor Thick, 12-lb cotton floor rugs (18’x15’) will be a great blessing and a great Christmas gift for the house churches in the tribal area this winter.

Gift #3. Bicycles—$45
Our House church leaders are from all walks of life, from 18-70 years of age, both men and women. A bicycle can give them greater mobility to serve the Lord.

Gift #4. Sewing Machines—$50 each / $300 for a Sewing Center
We are continuing to launch new tailoring centers in partnership with local churches. Each center has 5 sewing machines and an instructor to teach women the skills they need to earn an income. Once they complete the training, some women will keep their sewing machine, enabling them to support their families. We also conduct Bible studies and children’s programs in the tailoring centers.

Gift #5. Petromax Lanterns—$35
These lanterns run for hours on gasoline or paraffin. In remote villages they allow our missionaries to conduct public meetings where they preach the Gospel and see hundreds of people respond to the altar call for salvation or healing.

Gift #6. Motorcycles—$800 (or any amount)
Fourteen of our missionaries in the tribal areas travel long distances to reach the villages in which they minister. A motorcycle will enable them to be 10 times more effective in their work for the Kingdom of Heaven and help the tribal village churches to grow.

Gift #7. Church Building—$5000—$7000
As more people come to faith, our house churches need more room, and a central location for worship. The church will also serve as a center for community outreach.

Gift #8. Church Roof—$2000—$3000
Some of our congregations have raised money for their building, but they still lack the funds for a proper roof, so they can continue to meet, even during bad weather.