We want to thank each one of you for your prayers and financial support of our Christmas Outreach program. By God’s grace, more than 400 of our house church leadership trainees, and hundreds of new believers, all joined together for last month’s Christmas outreach. Our main goal was to give our trainees the opportunity to exercise their newly-learned skills in practical ministry. To accomplish this, we gave them the responsibility of reaching unreached villages and people groups in close proximity to their own neighborhoods.

On December 13th, the brothers and sisters started the outreach with a time of prayer. Over the next 10 days, they went “two by two” into the unreached villages, knocking on every door, and passing out “Gospel of John” booklets to every family that would receive them. They shared the Gospel with every household that would listen and invited them to attend a public meeting that was going to be held in their area between Dec. 19th Dec. 24.
Using this strategy, our outreach teams reached more than 68,000 homes in more than 300 villages.
They distributed more than 75,000 “Gospel of John” booklets and held 62 public meetings for the new people from Dec. 19th to 24th. By God’s grace, over 22,000 people attended the public meetings, and over 3,200 people responded to the altar call!
The Gospel Light Shines in the Darkness
Thanks to your prayers, most of the outreach meetings were peaceful. In some villages, the Hindu radicals told our teams to leave the area and not come back to share the Gospel. Our people were able to leave peacefully, without any harsh treatment. Even in the midst of opposition, our teams testified that they could feel the power of prayer, and the Favor of the Lord everywhere they went.
In one incident, some sisters were part of the outreach team. They were going house-to-house in one village all day, beginning in the morning, walking and sharing the Gospel. By afternoon, they were tired when a group of Hindu radicals surrounded them and told them to leave the village. As they turned to leave, one of the young women who were part of the outreach team collapsed and fell to the ground, unconscious. Seeing this, the local villagers rushed over to see if they could help our brothers and sisters. The Hindu radical leader who, just a few moments earlier had been very harsh with them, quickly got his car and drove the unconscious woman and the men that were with her, to the nearest hospital, 30 miles away. On the way, the woman regained consciousness and started feeling better and speaking. They told the driver “she’s fine; you can drop us off here,” but the Hindu radical man refused. He insisted on taking her to the hospital and having her checked by a doctor. At the hospital, the doctor announced that she was expecting a child. That was the reason she became weak and fell unconscious.
New Life, Physically and Spiritually
Instantly it became a time of rejoicing for all of them because she had been unable to have a child for 11 years. God showed His favor on her and her husband. Later, the Hindu radical man who had driven her to the hospital told her “I don’t know why I was helping you. I was very upset with you people for coming to our village and trying to convert our people. But the moment I saw you collapse on the ground, I heard a strong voice in my mind, commanding me to help you. I didn’t want to do it, but something forced me to bring you to the hospital.” He and his family attended the local public meeting and responded to the altar call, giving their lives to follow the Lord. He stood in front of all the people and shared this testimony of the love and power of Jesus Christ.
During the 62 public meetings, God moved in a special way, touching people’s lives, healing many from their sicknesses and infirmities, and setting many people free from bondages. The meetings continued for 10 days, sometimes 2-3 meetings per day, with around 300-400 people in each meeting. In every meeting, people came forward in response to the altar call, and many came forward seeking prayer for different needs, and God met them at the altar.
Miracles Announce the Love of Christ
One man came forward who had been lame for 18 years. Since he was 6 years old, he had not been able to stand up straight or walk without help. After Jesus touched him, he was set free! Now he is able to stand up straight and walk without help!
A woman said it was her first time coming to a Christian meeting. Her family was opposed to her attending, and would not bring her. Instead, she walked alone from her house to the main road. There she took an auto-rickshaw (a tiny three-wheel taxi) to the meeting. This would have been a challenge for any woman, but this woman had been blind for 23 years. Our brothers and sisters prayed for her, and God restored her sight! Her family and friends were amazed at God’s power and love. After Christmas, our brothers shared the Gospel with them. Today many people are attending a Christian meeting in her village.
These are just two examples of how the seed of the Gospel is being sown into the hearts of the people of India. As the days go by, we believe that hundreds of people’s lives will be touched and they will come forward and give their lives to the Lord.
As for our house church leadership trainees, it was challenging but with great admiration, we can say they have been faithful with the little they have, they have worked hard, and sacrificed much. As the Bible says “Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” (Psalm 126:5-6)
We are so thankful for all the prayers and support. May God reward each of you for your faithfulness in helping to advance the Kingdom of God through Christ Jesus.
Help Us Share the Gospel
Will you help us continue sharing the Gospel in the darkest places of India? Psalm 119:105 says ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.’ You can share in the blessings! To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!
With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, and you will be blessed, along with thousands of others!
Proclaiming the Gospel…
…until He comes,