Aman, one of our missionaries, works in a village in the state of Punjab, with his family. Before Aman came to the Lord, he struggled with addiction. After being delivered by Jesus, he received a clear vision from God to go to this village and share Jesus because it is known for addiction to both drugs and alcohol. More than 70% of the men are addicted to one or the other. When Aman was called, he lived approximately 186 miles from the village.
Aman began to share the Gospel with the young men dealing with addiction in the village after he arrived. The village was so corrupted by addiction that the landlords were accustomed to taking advantage of addicts, who would do anything to get a fix. The landlords would loan them money on high interest rates, knowing they would not be able to pay them back. When the time came for the young men to pay back the loan, the landlords would put them to work on their farms for very low wages. They would work as indentured servants, living with 12-16 people in a house and working in the fields.

As God used Aman in the village, many of these young people began giving their lives to Jesus. As a result many were being delivered from addictions, causing the prosperity of the landlords to be affected. The landlords, in turn, became furious with Aman and his family and began to persecute them. His wife, who worked part time in the schools lost her job as they influenced the school management. His children were forced out of the schools they attended as well. Also, they threatened to burn up his motorbike.
Even in the midst of persecution Brother Aman and his family were faithful with the calling God gave him. They continued sharing the Gospel in the face of trials and began to see a great harvest. Many people gave their lives to Jesus and were delivered from the spirit of addiction. Recently, in March, Regi joined Aman, and together they baptized 49 people in two different services. When people are baptized in India, it is a public confession of faith and a full denial of Hindu gods. They are now committed believers.
These are some of their testimonies

38 year old Ranveer Singh, is an unmarried man from a high caste family. He was physically challenged from birth. He had severe breathing problems that prevented him from walking long distances or being able to work. Our outreach team visited his village during the last Christmas Outreach and shared the Gospel with him. He was also given a New Testament. Ranveer read the Gospels and was greatly encouraged by every miracle. He was so excited that he told his parents, who are very devout Sikhs, about what he read and that he wanted to go to Brother Aman’s public ministry meetings. However, his parents refused because most of the people attending the meetings were low caste and the high caste does not associate with them.
Even so, on December 23rd, he found a way to attend one of the public meetings with Aman. He heard the Gospel again and came forward to receive Jesus as his savior. Ranveer shared that at this time one of the young ministers came and touched him on the shoulder and prayed for him, specifically for his breathing problem to be healed. He was astonished because he hadn’t told anyone at the meeting of his struggles. As the young man was praying he began to breath heavily and began to shout and speak something he had never spoken before. He did not understand what he was saying nor did he understand what was happening with his body. Later someone told him that he was on the floor for half an hour. Afterward, he walked back to his home, which was 6 miles away, through fields, and had no breathing problems at all. When he arrived home, he told his family what had happened and they marveled that he had walked 6 miles without any struggle! That day, Jesus completely healed him. Later his family believed in Jesus as well. During this most recent baptism, 14 members of Ranveer’s family were baptized. That same day Ranveer dedicated his life to be a full time missionary in front of the church.

42 year old Amar Singh, was a drug addict. His wife and two children left him and were living with his parents, because he was continuing to give in to the addiction. He used cheap pills from the drug store to fuel his addiction but these were taxing on his health, both physically and mentally. He became homeless and slept in the fields and the forest. During our Christmas Outreach, one of our ministers found him laying sick in the field. This minister brought him to the hospital. The prognosis was poor as he had a very bad case of pneumonia. The doctors did not expect him to recover. However, the believers continued in prayer for him. He remained in the hospital a long time, but steadily began recovering. On the 24th day he was released from the hospital, after God healed his lungs. However, having been an addict and homeless, he had nowhere to go. Brother Aman brought him to his home and the believers cared for him. They prayed with him and he gave his life to Jesus. During this recent baptism, he got baptized. He has been delivered from drugs and healed of pneumonia and now has fully given his life to Jesus. We continue to pray, however, for a full miracle of reconciliation with his wife and children. They are watching and waiting to see that he is truly delivered and will not go back to a life of addiction. We believe God that he will walk fully in his deliverance and will be restored to his family and be able to lead them in Christ.

31 year old Sister Thirtha and her husband Vinod were both addicts. Vinod was an addict when she married him and soon she also became one, and together they’ve been addicts for 9 years. Thirtha’s parents recently brought her to the Christmas Outreach meeting. There she was touched by the power of God. At one point she went up for prayer and an older woman prayed for her. While praying together, she felt electricity passing through her body for a few seconds and fell down in the Spirit. The older lady helped to lift her back up and blessed her. After the meeting she came home to her husband. He offered to share his drugs that he was using with her, but she didn’t feel like it so she told him maybe later. She had no interest in it though, so kept deciding not to have any. That night she slept without any. The next day she still didn’t have any desire for it. Thirtha took her husband to the church and they also prayed with him. He was fully delivered in just a few weeks. They had tried and tried in times past to break the addiction, going for several months to rehabilitation centers and working with many doctors but could not get free. They even thought of committing suicide in an attempt to be free. But in these services that Brother Aman led, they found freedom for the first time. They were fully delivered from addiction through the prayers of common people, who believe in Jesus. They felt theirs was the story of the prodigal son and now have returned home to their Father, fully enjoying His blessings. They both were baptized at the recent service with Regi and Aman. Knowing Jesus answers prayer, they are now petitioning for children as they have not had any in the 9 years they’ve been married. They would like to have children they can raise in the Lord.
The others who were baptized also had wonderful testimonies to the power of God in their lives. God is using Brother Aman and other brothers and sisters in the Lord. Beginning April 1st and onto Easter, our outreach team is focusing on his village and the 49 surrounding villages. By the grace of God they plan to do a two-week outreach and conduct 6 public meetings in that area. Please keep Brother Aman, his family, and our outreach teams in your prayers as God continues to use them for His glory. Amen.
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Proclaiming the Gospel…
…until He comes,