For the past two weeks we were in the state of Bihar visiting our mission stations started several years ago. Bihar is known as the “graveyard of missionaries,” yet today, despite great economic hardship and the threat of persecution from Hindu radicals, the native church is thriving, rapidly growing in the unreached villages and tribal areas. Visiting and having fellowship with believers in different tribal areas, seeing their hunger for the Lord and their passionate worship is beyond explainable. One thing is certain: the Spirit of the Lord is moving, releasing the captive from demonic oppression, setting free those who are in bondage and addicted, and opening the eyes of those who are blinded by idol worship and witchcraft. The light of the Gospel is shining greatly in the darkest part of our nation.
In one of the villages we dedicated one of our churches, but things didn’t start out in a positive way. A couple of times our missionaries were chased out of the village, and at first they always met with resistance from the villagers when our brothers tried to share the Gospel with them. But on the back side of the village, about a hundred meters away, lived around 50-60 low caste families. Among them, several families accepted Jesus as their personal savior and started a prayer group during the covid season. Our Lord, in His divine wisdom, called a young man named Sanju to lead that prayer group. That prayer group soon became a house church with ten baptized members, and its growth continued. They outgrew the house where they were meeting, and had to move their worship service outside, under a banyan tree in the village. After a few weeks of services under the banyan tree, a Hindu radical came and placed an idol underneath the tree. He claimed that the banyan tree was a sacred tree, and their village deity would occasionally come and rest in that tree. He went on to claim that our believers worshiping under that tree disturbed their village deity and she could not rest for several days. Now she was restless, and her anger was going to cause misfortune for the village. After that, the believers were prohibited from coming close to the banyan tree. Once again, the church was looking for a place to worship, but not for very long.
One believer donated a small piece of land, 40 feet wide and 70 feet long, and they built a temporary church using bamboo poles for support and plastic sheets for the roof. They covered it with some sarees (a six-meter-long cloth that the women use to cover their bodies). For a few months they worshiped in that shelter, but last October the Hindu radicals came and burned down the temporary church. They threatened the believers to stop worshiping Jesus, or next time they would burn all the believers along with the church. In spite of that the believers continue to come together and worship in that open field under the sun, without showing any fear.

By our Lord’s grace we helped them build a small brick church building in that field. Last week we were in that village for the dedication of that church building. When we arrived in the village we were greeted with shouts of “Hallelujah.” It was amazing and refreshing to hear those shouts, knowing that these were the people who had been worshiping idols for generation after generation, but now they were delivered from the curse of idol worship and shouting praise to the Living God. Their curses were broken, and the light of the Gospel has shined on them.
As we reached the front of the newly built church, one young Hindu tribal woman presented us with two bouquets, made from flowers and leaves, one for me and one for Sherly. She touched our feet as a sign of respect, and welcomed us to her village. We humbly accepted them and proceeded with the dedication service. After the service she was brought to us for prayer.
Her name is Tulasi. In her mid-twenties she suffered from a mental disorder and spent several years in a mental asylum. Later, according to the doctors, she recovered, and her parents arranged for her to be married to a young man. In her husband’s home she suffered physical and mental torture for 4 years, and during this time she also lost her parents due to covid. Because of all the trauma, she lost her mental balance again, and was sent back to the mental asylum. A few months ago she was sent back home from the mental asylum. Her husband and his family did not accept her. Instead, they chased her away. With nowhere to go, she came back to her parents’ empty house. With no one to care for her, she lived alone in her parents one-room house. She was at the mercy of the poor tribal people in the village. She had never been to the church before, but that day she went and picked some flowers and green leaves from some bushes, and made two beautiful bouquets to welcome us. No one told her to do that, and she knew nothing about the church dedication. All she knew was some visitors were coming to the village. She approached us at the entrance to the church, and presented us the bouquets with great grace. The dedication service was starting, but she did not enter the church. After the dedication service the local pastor told us her story and everyone was amazed seeing what she had done to honor us. Knowing her condition, we invited her inside the church, laid our hands on her and prayed for her. As we began to pray she was uncomfortable, and began to make loud noises. As all the church people came around her, they began to praise God and pray for her. She was delivered from demonic spirits and was set free in front of us. She again fell at our feet, thanking God. For the following week, she visited with us in several meetings, sharing her testimony and how she was delivered. Her testimony has touched hundreds of people in different meetings. God is using her to touch the life of many people.

During our trip we dedicated four new church buildings and laid the foundations for three other churches. We baptized over 400 hundred people and visited our three training centers in the tribal areas. We also made plans for our Christmas outreach in different areas.

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Proclaiming the Gospel…
…until He comes