24-Hour Lockup

In a remote village where the Gospel was first preached 2 years ago, our outreach team was persecuted and beaten up and told not to preach the gospel. Praise be to God, the seeds planted two years ago yielded fruit in July 2020, during the lockdown period, as 4 families turned to Christ. Again, last month, three more families received Jesus. In January our brother Mohan started a prayer group in the village. Last week while they were having the service, a group of Hindu radicals arrived and started arguing and threatening them, demanding they forsake Christ.

Finally, they beat up the families, including women and children, and locked them in the room where they were having the meeting, for over 24 hours. But the new believers continued their worship and prayer, as the Hindu radicals watched the house. After 24 hours the villagers and some relatives brought food and water for the believers. The Hindu radicals allowed them to eat and drink and finally freed them.

By seeing the faith and courage of the believers, and their prayer and worship, God had moved in the hearts of the radicals.

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.” (Psalm 91:14)