August 2021 Letter

Dear Partner,

I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of our pastors and missionaries in India, and how encouraged I am in my own personal faith, when I hear of their faith and courage in the midst of extreme difficulty. They might be concerned for the health of their family, but it doesn’t stop them from visiting the sick and praying for them. With shops closed and roads blocked, they might be struggling to feed their own families. Yet they prepare food bags for those who have less than they have.

I had the opportunity to speak last week with Victor, one of our pastors. They are faced with the same personal decisions we have here in America. He said some have taken the COVID vaccine and others have not. And they respect one another’s decisions, whatever choice they make. But regardless of the choice, they refuse to live a life paralyzed by fear. When I asked him about the news reports of a “third wave” of COVID sweeping across India, he said “Oh yes, we have heard of it, but we have cancelled it by the blood of Jesus!”

As a result of their faith and boldness, they are seeing miracles in their communities, along with a remarkably low infection rate. And the unbelievers are taking note of this, and the church is growing rapidly. Please continue to pray for the people of India, that they would come to know the true God, who gives hope, banishes fear, and will wipe away all tears. Pray that the believers in India will continue being an example of Christ’s compassion and mercy, as they distribute food, medicine, and prayer to all those who are hopeless. “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13, NASB)

If you feel the leading of the Holy Spirit, please give financially to support the work, and please pray that God would provide the answers that India needs to survive. We could not do any of this without the generous financial support of you, our partners! We also rely on and ask for your continued prayer support.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
