A Sikh Pilgrim City is Transformed

In one of the holiest Sikh pilgrim cities in Punjab, S* and his wife M* have worked as missionaries with our organization for the past 9 years. During that time, they tried everything they could to lead people to the Lord, but they were unsuccessful. For five years, they had a small house church with hardly 20 people meeting weekly. They were feeling very discouraged and disappointed, so much that even their family life was suffering.

The changes began four years ago, when we started a training program in their city. S* and M* joined the 40-day training program, a basic Bible and church leadership training program. Not only were they learning, but each week they were also trying to practice what they learned in their ministry. They began to see changes in their lives as they were drawn to the Lord. They gave priority to the simple truths of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus. As their lives began to change, they noticed a change in their congregation. People were slowly drawn to the Lord. They also began to pray for one another, collectively addressing the issues they were facing, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. The Lord continued to move in their lives, and through their lives over the last four years, He has touched the hearts of thousands of people in that pilgrim city.

A few weeks ago, we were there to attend an outreach meeting, where more than 400 local people came, mostly Hindus and Sikhs. Today S* and M* have a tremendous impact on the community and are reaching thousands of people with the message of the Gospel.