April 2018 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

The testimonies in this month’s newsletter give us a picture of how we partner with God to share the Gospel. We do the easy part – we tell. He does what I like to call the “heavy lifting” – He demonstrates the Gospel with His power.

Hearing the story about the young man healed during worship reminds me of one of the first times I saw a healing miracle. It was in 1995, and I was leading worship in a small group that met on Saturday nights. A woman visited that night, and as I began leading worship, she fell on the floor and began writhing and moaning. I had no idea what was going on, so I prayed and asked the Lord what to do. He spoke to my spirit and urged me to continue in worship, and to instruct everyone else to do the same.

So we ignored the woman on the floor and lifted our praise and worship up to heaven. After a while, she became calm, and we continued with the meeting. Almost a month later, I was attending a meeting at another church, and a woman came up and spoke to me. I didn’t recognize her, so she told me “I was the woman who came to your meeting last month. I had MPD (multiple personality disorder), but that night, during worship, I was completely healed!”

God can and will do much more than we can ask or even imagine. Thank you for continuing to pray for all of us here. And thank you for your sacrificial support every month. Please tell all your Christian friends about this website and encourage them to join us as partners. They can visit us at https://www.excitingword.org/revivalnow and read some of the same stories that you enjoy!

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
