April 2020 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

We have never been this way before. Yesterday’s plans might not be enough for today. Every day that goes by brings a new challenge. So many are out of jobs, many people are sick, either with the coronavirus or related issues. Many are lonely, fearful, angry, or depressed. It is easy to be overcome by stress and anxiety. It is certainly a time of uncertainty.

But this is also a time to be thankful that we live in America, still the greatest nation on earth. We have the means to do medical research. We can still mobilize the teams and resources to help people in need. We live in a democratic republic, with the freedom of speech that many nations do not have. We have the freedom to live the Christian life and share the Gospel, a freedom that people in India do not have. Though we have so many questions, we still have so much to be thankful for. God is still on the throne and Christians are coming together to pray in an unprecedented way. Believers are meeting house to house, even if they are meeting online. The Gospel is going forth in new ways, and the lost are being saved.

I am reminded of God’s words of caution to Cain when he was upset after God rejected his offering. God said, “sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” For us, fear, anxiety, worry, anger, and strife – all these things are crouching at our door. They want to control us, but just as God told Cain, we must master them. How? By turning our attention to the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul reminds us to meditate on what the Lord has done through the atonement of Christ. He has given us a new mind, peace within, and the promise of protection from anything the enemy could throw at us. (see Ephesians 1:17-19 and 3:14-20)

Do you think our present situation has surprised God? Do you think He is anxious or perplexed, wondering what He should do? Do you think He caused this situation, to throw the world into turmoil and upheaval? These statements do not reflect God’s character or His true nature. God is the giver of good things. (see James 1:17)

If you need prayer or help in any way, please feel free to reach out to us. And please keep our brothers and sisters in India in prayer, as they face the same kinds of challenges that we face. Together we will overcome, and God will be glorified.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,


2 Replies to “April 2020 Letter”

  1. Ann

    Such a good word. Thank you. I am praying for India and the work Exciting Word is doing, partnering with R*. It is amazing! To God be the glory!

  2. Teri Fahey

    Thank you Ann. God is good. We appreciate your prayers for India. Glad you enjoy the stories. Teri

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