Heaven Comes to the Slums

Brother P and his family are from the untouchable community. They lived in the slums with their five children. He used to drive a rickshaw and his wife was selling vegetables in the slum. Their youngest son who was four years at that time had a blood infection. Almost twice a year they had to give the boy a blood transfusion. It was a great burden on their life and their finances. They fell into a lot of debt. The family was dealing with starvation. There was no one to help them. Finally they decided to take their other four children to an orphanage where they would have at least enough food, and security for their young daughters who were 16 and 14 at that time.

One of the volunteers who gave blood for P’s son’s transfusion was from a Hindu radical group. He came to donate blood for P’s son. After knowing the situation he said, “In my village some Christians meet for worship every Sunday. They claim that their God heals sickness. I have heard that many people have been healed by their prayers. Why don’t you take your son to them and ask them to pray for him? Maybe he too will be healed!

There is Healing Power in The Blood

The following Sunday, the desperate P and his wife took their son from the hospital to the prayer group. It was a house church with 30-35 people jam-packed in a small room. They were singing and worshiping the Lord. Brother P shared with them why their family was there. During the service the church came around P’s son and laid hands on him and prayed for him.

After the service when P’s family went back to the hospital, the doctor was very upset because they had taken his patient out of the hospital without his permission. The next day the boy was discharged. The family returned to the slum. People from the house church visited them and prayed over their son again and again. God in His mercy healed him completely. Since that day they have never had to give their son another blood transfusion. P and his wife attended the house church and they accepted the Lord as their personal Savior.

Five years ago, R was in the slum where P and his family lived. They wanted to have a meeting in their area for the people to hear the Gospel. R says he still remembers when they had that meeting in the slum. It was in a small soccer ground where 300 people came to hear the Gospel. The next day we gave baptism to P and his wife and their three older children. After the baptism P and his family joined our house church leader’s training, completed it and became leaders of a house church.

The Gospel Spreads Through the Slums

Through the public meeting so many people were attracted to the Gospel. Our brothers started a house church in P’s home and gradually people from the slum, each with different needs, began to come and attend the house church. Many were delivered and set free from different addictions. The house church in P’s home became a lighthouse in that slum. For many who lived in utter darkness the house church was a light for them. It was a place of deliverance. Last month R was in that area to lay a foundation stone for their planned church building. They are planning to build a shed for the worship meetings. More than 400 people from that slum attended the meeting. Most of them are born again believers. P and his family took R to five other slums around their town, where very poor, untouchable people, who are the lowest in the society, live in plastic tents. In almost freezing cold weather it was a very sad sight. But as they walked through the slum, people greeted them by saying ‘JAI MASIH’ meaning “Praise the Lord.” They were joined by many people in the slum who are born again and live for the Lord, and they were worshiping Him. In all five slums P and his family have started regular worship services, where hundreds of people meet each week. R and his wife were really touched and moved by the way the Lord is using P and his family to draw hundreds of people to the Lord. P’s daughters, Kajal and Sona, have started six Sunday schools in different slums, where more than 240 children attend regularly. Kajal and Sona attend college, but in the afternoon, when their college classes are finished, they teach the children Bible stories, from 3:30pm to 5pm. They also teach the children how to read and write. If that wasn’t enough, they have also started a women’s meeting in the slums!

Blessed to be a Blessing

In P’s own words, he said, “We went to a house church with a desperate situation because no one could help us. We asked the Lord to bless our son and heal him, but we never thought that we would become a blessing. Today the Lord has honored us and blessed us and made us a blessing to our community.

The Bible says “The people which sat in darkness saw a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up.” Hundreds of people living in the slums, who sat in darkness for many generations, are seeing the glorious light of the Gospel through one family’s dedication to the Lord. They are able to do this work because of our Lord, and through your prayers and financial support. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into the harvest field, and to provide them with the necessary financial support to be effective.

Tidings of Great Joy at Christmas

Christmas always brings joy to our families. But for more than 360 men and women in our house church leaders’ training program, Christmas was also a time of harvesting souls. As part of their practical training, they went out to their neighboring, unreached villages to share the Gospel, starting on December 14th through the day before Christmas. With your help, we provided them with all the resources they needed for the outreach. They shared the Gospel and distributed literature to more than 29,000 homes, in 152 villages, in just 10 days! To wrap up the outreach, they conducted 42 public meetings in different unreached villages, and more than 12,000 people attended these public meetings and again heard the Gospel. For most of them, this was the first time they had attended a Christian meeting. Over 1800 people responded to the altar calls and expressed their desire to follow Jesus in their life.

Everywhere the outreach team went, the presence of God was tangible and they could see the favor of the Lord. In every public meeting, Jesus healed the sick, delivered the demon-possessed, and broken families were reunited.

The Power to Heal was Present

A* has lived in the same village since birth. Until he fell ill, he drove cars for a living, and his mother and two sisters took care of the house and small farm they owned. Unexpectedly, A* became very sick. He was admitted into the hospital 3 times, but none of the treatments worked. His last visit was for two months. The doctors did everything they could to treat him but his condition did not improve. Instead, the family fell into deep debt. They borrowed money from the lenders and got into financial difficulties the family could not repay.

During the Christmas outreach, a few sisters visited A*’s home with literature, and shared the Gospel with A*’s mother and sisters, working in the field. They had never heard the name of Jesus before, but the Holy Spirit moved in their hearts. In tears, they shared their problems with the sisters, including their brother’s sickness, and asked them to pray for them. Our trainees went with them to their home. A* was lying in bed, barely able to get up, a young man who had lost all hope. Our sisters prayed with them for A*’s physical healing. Our trainees felt the presence of God in that place. They invited the family to a public meeting. On December 24th, A* and his family, along with four other families, came to the public meeting, which was held in the neighboring village. They met with the sisters who visited them and shared the Gospel with them and prayed for them. A* was walking energetically, happy, and he testified that he had been delivered and healed. He gave his testimony in that meeting, and on that day, at the end of the meeting, A*, his mother, his two sisters, and 9 of their relatives gave their lives to Christ. The following Sunday, A* brought still more people to church.

(Keep reading…)

The Multitudes Hear the Good News

R* is a village with more than 300 families, situated in the middle of a field in a remote area. When our team arrived, there were no known Christians in the village. In December, our Christmas outreach team went to each house, systematically shared the Gospel, and gave out literature to everyone. With the village chief’s permission, on December 23rd we had a public meeting in the village. Our brothers pitched a tent and a small sound system, expecting between 100 and 150 people. By 11am, more than six hundred people had come to the Gospel meeting. Our tent was too small, and the sound system was too small for this many people. Humanly speaking, the arrangements were poor and inadequate.

The Multitudes Hear the Good News

But God was big enough to touch and heal and deliver and meet the needs of the people. The Holy Spirit moved in a special way in the meeting. Many people were delivered from evil spirits; many were touched by the power of God. During that meeting, more than a hundred people responded to the altar call and gave their lives to Christ. In response, our brothers began a Sunday afternoon meeting, where 70 people attended the first week and more than 100 people attended on the second week.

Set Free by the Power of the Gospel

One woman who heard about the meeting was suffering from severe headaches for a long time. She had been to all kinds of treatments, but nothing worked, and she fell into a deep depression. A relative from another village told her about the Christian meeting in the village, and in desperation, she walked 4 miles to the meeting, all the while still suffering with the headache. When our brothers prayed for her, the Lord touched her. She had been tormented by the powers of darkness, but during the prayer, God delivered her completely from the evil bondage, and set her free from the headache. She became very happy, and was overwhelmed with heavenly peace and joy. She shared her testimony with the people, and returned home as a new person.

The Multitudes Hear the Good News

The Bible says “The people which sat in darkness saw a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up.” Yes, thousands of people who sat in darkness for many generations were able to see the glorious light of the Gospel through the outreach. This was made possible by our Lord, by your prayers and financial support. Agree with us in asking the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into the harvest field, and that He would provide them with the necessary financial support to be effective.

“Sewing” the Gospel

An unemployed person struggles with self-respect and insecurity. When a family’s income is small, they lack food and often go to bed hungry. In order to break this curse and to make our believers independent and provide employment, we started two sewing centers to help local people discover and develop their talent in this area. Our sewing centers provide those in need with tools to increase their income. Our sewing centers have given a new ray of hope for a brighter future, to people who previously had no hope.

Last week two groups of our tailoring center students, 31 students in all, graduated from the program. One group had completed the course four months ago, but had not yet received their certificates. They entered the program as unbelievers, and most are now believers.

Testimonies From The Sewing Centers

Sister S*

Sister S* testified that the sewing center was a blessing to her. She said, “My life has changed since I began attending the sewing center. My husband has been bedridden for the past year and I am now the sole bread winner for my 3 children and husband. We lived in a state of depression because there was no one to support us. After completing the training, you gave me two sewing machines. This enabled me to start my own sewing business in my village. Slowly my sewing skills improved and perfected, attracting many customers from the nearby villages. Now our life is stable, and things are far better than before. Today, prayerfully, and with your help, we have started another sewing center, and 28 students are enrolled so far. More than all this, Jesus has come into our lives and he has transformed our lives and our families.”

Sister T*

T* has now been married for seven years with three children. She lives in a very remote village. The roads are poorly maintained, the people live in poverty, and travel outside the village is very difficult. Her husband works in the nearby town, but he only comes home once a month. Sadly, T*’s three-year-old daughter fell ill and because she could not afford adequate medical help, the child died. Because of this tragedy, she felt the need to earn some money herself, to help the family. She came to our sewing center and completed the six month program. The sewing machine provided by us has been a huge blessing to her family, and now she is able to earn money by stitching clothes and pillow covers. She proudly testified that last week she bought a gas cylinder for cooking. Before that, they cooked with firewood and dried cow dung. She said a gas cylinder has been her heart’s desire for many years.

Sister B*

B*, a Muslim woman, says “I never, ever thought that church would do this kind of social work. It has been my privilege to join the sewing classes. For small stitching needs, we had depended on the tailors who charge a lot of money, which we have been unable to pay due to our financial condition. But from now on, I will save the money, and save for the future of my children. I will also tell others about this training.”

Sister L*

L* says “From my childhood I had a desire to learn tailoring but there was no tailoring center around. Our only source of income has been from whatever my father earns. But now it is a great blessing for me to learn tailoring and help my family financially.”

“Sowing” into “Sewing”

Seeing the life changing impact and the lives that have been touched through sewing centers, we are praying about starting more sewing centers in this area. The only way any of this is possible is through your prayers and financial support. Please consider giving to our sewing center programs. Your investment will forever change the lives of these women and empower them to provide for their families and communities.

The Poor Hear the Good News

R* is a young man from a remote tribal village. His family were witchcraft doctors for generations in that area. His parents wanted their son to follow the family tradition, but R* really hated what his parents were doing. When his family pressured him, he took his pregnant wife, left his family and moved to the neighboring state, to a town 200 miles away from his home, looking for a new way to earn a living. They could not afford the rent in a nice place, so they moved into a slum area. Soon afterward, his wife got sick with some kind of infection, and one day collapsed in their home. Their neighbor, a woman who was a new believer for only six months, took her to the nearby hospital. R*’s wife was admitted, and since no one from their family was around, and men are not allowed in the hospital ward where she was admitted, the Christian neighbor woman volunteered to stay with his wife and help her.

The Power of Love

The life of the Christian woman, her willingness to serve them, and also her prayers, touched R* and his wife. This was something they had never experienced. R* and his wife began to come for a weekly prayer meeting in the slum, along with the Christian woman and her family, where they heard the Gospel and accepted Jesus into their lives. It was hard for R*, but as he began to grow in faith and in God’s word, his life was transformed. In R*’s own words “We had never experienced joy or peace in our lives. In our home, we never laughed or even smiled—life was always gloomy in my family; there was always tension. Since we received Jesus, our lives have been changed. My wife and I feel that we were set free from great bondage. Now our hearts are filled with joy and laughter.” It was totally different from what he had experienced or seen in his village.

At R*’s request, two years ago some of our brothers visited the area and saw the spiritual and physical starvation in the area. Spiritual darkness is prevailing in the land and in the hearts of the people, but poverty is another major problem in that area. Our brothers decided to send a summer outreach team to R*’s village, and to hundreds of unreached villages in the surrounding area, with the message of the Gospel. The caste system and Hindu radicals were two big hindrances for people to come forward. But God in His mercy moved among the people, and they turned to Him.

The Fruit of Love

Over the past two years, our brothers have started house churches in 19 villages. Recently, our leaders were visiting that area. They conducted 14 meetings in different villages. These were small meetings, around 40-60 people in each, to avoid drawing the attention of the Hindu radicals. It was a great blessing to meet with the people, get close to them, and pray for them. Many have received Jesus into their lives, and 63 people were baptized in the area.

(Continue to the next testimony here…)

Sowing Into the Harvest

If you enjoy these stories, please let us know. To contact us, go to our Contact Us page. To become a financial partner with us, go to our Donate page.

Share this newsletter with your God-honoring, Bible-believing friends. Feel free to share it on Facebook, email your friends a link to our website, encourage them to email us, do whatever you can do to get the word out. The more people who read these stories, the more hearts will be touched, and the more God will provide for our missionaries. Without your help, we could do nothing to promote the Gospel. With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, and you will be blessed!

“All things are possible to him who believes.”

Mark 9:23 NASB

The Dying Man Finds New Life

After D* shared her testimony (see The Dead Baby Finds New Life), a young man stood up to testify. He came from a Hindu high caste family, and three years ago he came to know the Lord, through the witness of a friend. Since then, his parents were very unhappy—they said he brought shame on his family, and threw him out, asking him to never return. From that day, three years ago, he has had no contact with his family. He tried to visit them but they refused to allow him in the home. Last week he heard from a friend from his village that his father fell ill a few weeks ago. He was resting at home, but his situation was not good. He called the church to pray for his father. Then he and another brother from the church went to see his parents. Prior to this, every time he tried visiting his parents they humiliated him in front of the people, accusing him, cursing him, and using all kinds of abusive words.

As he approached his village he asked the Lord to restore the broken relationship with his parents. He wanted to show his love and respect for them, and most importantly, lead them to the Lord. As he arrived at his village he went to his home without any resistance. They allowed him to see his father, who was very sick. He sat with him, and with much difficulty his father told him “All through my life I served and worshiped our gods and goddesses but I never experienced any joy or inner peace in my life. Now I am very afraid to face the last days of my life. I am so restless, but since the day you came and told us that you received Jesus in your life, you have joy, inner peace, and assurance of your salvation, things I have never experienced in my life. Watching your life, I know you have been changed and transformed. Please tell me about this new God you worship, the One who changed your life.” With tears, he shared the Gospel with his father, and led his father to the Lord. There in his father’s bedroom, he led his whole family in a prayer of repentance and dedication to the Lord Jesus. After the prayer, his father talked quietly with each of the family members. He died in peace a few hours later.

The young man said though it was very painful for him to witness the death of his father, at the same time he was rejoicing in his heart, knowing his father would spend eternity in heaven with Jesus. He finished by saying that today his mother and six other family members were in the service.

The Dead Baby Finds New Life

A few weeks ago, our team was in one of our churches, attending the Sunday service with 100-120 believers. They had gathered on the roof of a rented house in the village where our missionary L* is ministering. L* is from a tribal community, and he came to know the Lord 8 years ago after having received deliverance from a demonic spirit. Just five years ago, he joined our 40-day training school for house church leaders and then took the leadership of the house church in his home. Slowly the house church has grown and since they do not have suitable accommodations, they split and started another house church in another village. This has gone on for some time, and now through multiplication he leads nine house churches in different villages around his home village. We have baptized more than 240 people in these house churches in the last 4 years. That Sunday a few weeks ago, two or three house churches had come together for a worship service on the roof of L*’s house.

Power of the Testimony

During worship that day, there was a time of fresh testimonies, as L* asked, as usual, whether there were any testimonies today. Three people stood and testified of what God has done in and through their lives.

One woman, D*, around 50, became a born-again Christian 5 years ago, having come from a Hindu background. She testified that her six-month-old grandson was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and was in the ICU for a week. He was in critical condition and having trouble breathing, so she was sitting outside the ICU fervently praying for her grandson.

Divine Appointment

While sitting in the waiting room she had a friendly conversation with a pregnant woman and her husband. They were in their late thirties, and D* found them sitting quietly and weeping. She felt a deep compassion in her heart for them, and went and sat with them and comforted them. As they talked, the couple told her that they had been married for 16 years and, until now, had never been able to have any children. When she finally did become pregnant, doctors discovered the pregnancy had many complications. Things were so serious they told her it would be better for her to have an abortion, for her safety, rather than carry the baby to full term. She and her husband disagreed with the doctors. They had waited so long, and they wanted to have the baby. When D* met them, the woman was at her due date. The doctor informed her husband he would do everything possible, but he wasn’t sure whether he would be able to save both the mother and the child. He told the husband to be prepared, and to pick the one whose life he wanted saved. Both husband and wife were shattered. Both sets of their parents were against their decision to keep the baby, so no one gave them any support.

Comfort of the Holy Spirit

D* comforted the couple and shared with them that she believes in Jesus, who answers prayer, and asked them whether she could pray for the mother and the child she was carrying. With their permission, and in tears, she prayed for her there in the hospital waiting room. She rebuked the curse put on the couple and blessed the mother and child in Jesus’ name. As soon as she finished praying, the lady began to feel uncomfortable and started bleeding. The doctor came and they rushed her directly into the operating room. In surgery they took the baby out, but it was motionless and the doctor declared the baby dead.

After some time, the nurse brought the dead baby out to show it to the father in the waiting room. D* was standing beside the emotionally overwhelmed father, and when he refused to look at the baby, D* took the baby in her arms. She laid her hand on the baby and began to pray in tongues quietly. A few moments later D* felt something moving in her arms! Suddenly, the baby started to cry. The nurses heard the noise, and took the baby back inside to the doctor. After an hour the nurse returned, saying the baby was perfectly fine.

The hospital staff and the doctors were wondering what happened. Finally the father of the child, who witnessed everything, told them it was D* who first prayed for the mother and child. He said “She took our dead baby, put her hands on it, and prayed in a strange language, and it was during her prayer that our baby moved and started to cry.”

As D* shared her testimony in church that Sunday, she paused and asked the father of the baby to stand up. He had come with her to the worship service. He stood there, speechless and in tears, and with folded hands he expressed his gratitude for what the Lord had done.

(Continue to the next testimony here…)

Revival Among The Untouchables

This month’s story is the story of how God revealed Himself to two young men born into an untouchable family. Their family was very poor, and was deeply involved in idol worship and various kinds of witchcraft practices.

Younger brother P* was also deeply religious, and he followed in the path of his parents. He was 14 years old when some young people came to his school and, with the permission of the teachers, gave a book to every student. The young people were from one of our outreach teams, and the book was the Gospel of John. He received a book, which he took home with him. He did not have time to read it, but his older brother R* saw the book and began to read it. He was really interested in this story about a man named Jesus. Before this, he and his family had never heard the name of Jesus in their lives.

Who is this Man Called Jesus?

R* was so touched by the book that he took it to the priest in the village Hindu temple. When he showed him the book, he asked “Who is this man called Jesus? Do you know about him?” The temple priest said “Jesus is the God of Christians. We don’t read about him or think about him. We need to concentrate on our own gods and goddesses.”

R* agreed with the temple priest and decided that he would not think about Jesus or read his book. But when he got back home he couldn’t resist, and started to read John’s Gospel again. He told his brother P* about the book, and he too was very much touched by the Gospel. They were both feeling desperate to know more about the man called Jesus. After almost six months of searching, they finally found themselves in a small house church, only four miles from their home.

Fellowship of Suffering

In this house church they received Jesus as their personal savior. As they began to attend the house church, and were drawn closer to the Lord, people in the village misled their parents, and turned them against them. Slowly their parents, friends, relatives, teachers and classmates all turned against them because of their new faith in Jesus. The two brothers went through much persecution for their faith. Their parents locked both of them in a room without food and water. Their parents said “Reject Jesus, go to the temple and bow down to our idol. Then we will give you food.”

The young men refused. They starved for many days. During this time, their parents and relatives beat them repeatedly. They were not allowed in the school, and forbidden to talk to their friends. It was hard on both of them but they endured the rejection, pain, agony, and humiliation with humility. P* said “We don’t know how we were able to endure this. It was truly the Lord Jesus who gave us the strength.” Finally, the villagers forced both brothers out of the village. At only 16 and 14 years old, R* and P* were outcasts. They made their way to the house church, and with the help of some other believers, they rejoined their school and continued their studies.

Power of the Resurrection

During their education, they led many young people to the Lord. They continued their studies in the local college, and they were a great blessing to their fellow students. They started prayer meetings in the college, where students could come and receive prayer for their problems. Our mission leaders have personally heard the testimonies of numerous young people who have been delivered, healed, and touched through the ministry of the prayer groups. Today these prayer groups have grown and spread into several other colleges. They have become instrumental in leading hundreds of young people to the Lord.

By God’s grace, both R* and P* completed their college studies and are now employed by the government as teachers. A few weeks ago, our team was invited by R* to a meeting in his village. He told us that his parents, the same ones who had persecuted them for many months for going to prayer meetings, the same ones who forced them out of the village, now wanted to be baptized! He asked us to come to his village and give them baptism.

The Harvest is Plentiful

A few weeks ago, we were in his village, where around 200-250 people gathered together in the courtyard of his house. During the meeting, we were amazed to hear beautiful Hindi hymns sung by the people with great respect and reverence to God; these same people who have praised idols for many generations. When we shared the Gospel with them and taught them the meaning and importance of baptism in their lives, ninety-two people came forward to receive baptism. These are the same villagers who drove out R* and P*, and persecuted them. Today, R* and P* are the only college graduates in their village. The villagers told us “These brothers are really a blessing to all of us in the village. They show us the way to salvation and eternal life. We want our children to be like them: caring, loving and responsible.”

Today in that village more that 200 people regularly meet to worship the Lord in Spirit and truth. The villagers even donated a piece of land for a church building, and we were honored to lay the foundation stone.

As we traveled back to the main highway, R* took us to a number of villages, where we met several well-educated young men who have come to know the Lord through the prayer groups in the colleges led by R* and P*.

After seeing all this, while driving away, our hearts were filled with joy and gratitude to God. Today we are experiencing the fulfillment of the prayer we prayed many years ago “Lord how will these people hear the Gospel and who will share the Gospel with these people?” Today we know who will share it! Yes, our God is raising up native indigenous young men and women in the villages to be an effective witness of the Gospel. Jesus said “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18 KJV)

Sowing into the Harvest

If you enjoyed this story, let us know. To contact us, go to our Contact Us page. To become a financial partner with us, go to our Donate page.

Share this newsletter with your God-honoring, Bible-believing friends. Feel free to share it on Facebook, email your friends a link to our website, encourage them to email us, do whatever you can do to get the word out. The more people who read these stories, the more hearts will be touched, and the more God will provide for our missionaries. Without your help, we could do nothing to promote the Gospel. With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, and you will be blessed!

“I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Matthew 16:18 KJV

Untouchables Touched by God

In the last two weeks, our team was in an undisclosed location, to attend a meeting and a baptism service. When they arrived, a young girl brought some dessert packets and asked our team to bless them. She wanted to distribute them to the people in the meeting. We asked her what the occasion was. She said, “I have just graduated from nurses training and I got a job!” Then she said, “I am the only person in my community who is a trained nurse.”

The Suffering of the Untouchables

The young girl was M*, the daughter of G*, one of our missionaries. G* and his family are part of an untouchable tribal community. They were very poor and lived in a very poor village.

They had to walk 3 to 4 miles to get water even though there was a well in a nearby village. They were not allowed to draw water from that well because they were untouchables. Most of the time the tension with outsiders remained just under the surface. But almost 16 years ago G* was involved in a violent fight with a high caste person. In that fight G*’s right leg was stabbed so severely that it could not be saved. The doctors had to remove his leg. To make matters worse, during his time in the hospital he noticed that most of the hospital staff treated him and his family very badly because they were untouchables. People thought their presence would make the hospital unsanitary.

G*’s community lives in poverty. They are the largest nomadic group in India, often moving from one place to another. Some specialize in making broomsticks, iron tools, small farm equipment or needles. They may also repair tools or work with stone. Others believe that one does not have to work for a living; they derive income by “religious begging.” They sing and wear special make-up while begging in the name of a specific deity.

After his discharge, the authorities did not allow G*, nor his wife and three children, to return to the village. Having no place to go, they were now homeless, living on the street and sleeping under plastic sheets. He was unable to work, and the whole family began to beg. In tears he recalled “I was a beggar and my wife and children were begging in the streets all day and into the night. We sent our children to the local government school just because the school provided meals for the children. Ten years ago as a one-legged beggar, I was sitting under a tree on a hot summer day when two young men [two of our outreach team members] came to me. They sat beside me, under the same tree, and opened their lunch boxes. They started to eat and then one of them, noticing that I was hungry, shared his lunch with me. They talked kindly to me and gave me a booklet. Even though I couldn’t read I accepted it and took it back to my home. I gave it to my older daughter and she read it to me. It was the Gospel of John. I never heard about Jesus before so I did not understand it.”

The next day at the same lunch time G* met the young people again. This time his wife was with him. Our brothers shared their lunch with them and shared the Gospel with them. G* and his wife did not understand much but they were really touched by the behavior of these young men. After two weeks our outreach team went and visited G* and his family in their tent. G* said they were the first guests to visit their tent in 6 years. The outreach team invited G* and his family to their Sunday prayer meetings. For the first time in their lives they were allowed to sit with other people. (G*’s children had been seated separately in the government school because they are untouchables.)

God’s Mercy on the Untouchables

That Sunday G*’s 12-year-old daughter, M* came forward to receive Jesus as her personal savior. Within a few weeks, G* and his whole family came to the Lord. Since the day G*’s family received Jesus as their personal savior they stopped begging. They began to do small jobs. Soon the Lord opened a door for G* and his family. A high caste Hindu man, who was now a believer in Jesus, hired him and his wife to look after his farm. It felt like a miracle! Now G* and his wife both had good jobs and regular income. The farmer also provided G* and his family with a nice home. God had provided for them in an amazing way!

As G* and his family began to grow in the Lord and in God’s Word, he began to share the Gospel with others. They realized that they were the first Christians in their tribal community, which has a population of 1.5 million people. God gave G* a burden for his people group. When he shared this with the local church, the elders laid their hands on him and consecrated him for ministry.

G* told the farm owner that he wanted to reach his tribal people with the Gospel. The farm owner agreed, and allowed G* and his family to stay on the farm and gave him freedom to focus on the ministry. Over the past eight years, G* has reached out to his community in many different villages. They have ministered to thousands of people, and over that time more that 1400 people have believed and been baptized. Just this year, we assigned two outreach teams to help him reach his community. These two teams started a total of 26 prayer groups in different villages!

The Lord Touches the Untouchables

Today we are aware of a great move of God in this community. Recently, one of our leaders stopped to buy a broom on the roadside, and the lady selling them was wearing a cross. He asked her whether she was a Christian, and she said “Yes.” As she told them, she came to the Lord through G*. She went on to say that, in her village more than twenty-two families attend Sunday service at the village church, and they all came to know the Lord through G*. She continued “We never saw the need to send our children to school, but G* taught us how important it is educate our children, to make sure they learn how to read and write. Because of that, we now send our children to school.”

M* is only the first trained nurse from the community. In G*’s words “We were once beggars, but Jesus transformed our lives! Today we are the richest people, sharing the glorious Gospel which transforms the lives of those who receive it. It is the greatest kind of wealth, when Jesus came into our lives He blessed us with everything.”

Today hundreds of people from G*’s nomadic community travel and share the Gospel with members of their tribe living throughout India.

Investing in Revival

G*’s tribe is experiencing revival, given freely to them by the Lord, and our outreach teams don’t charge them either. But it wasn’t free for G*’s employer to allow him to share the Gospel. Our outreach teams need support, too. We are confident that this support will come, through people like you, whose hearts are touched by stories like G*’s. To become a financial partner with us, click on the Donate link above.

“God’s power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowing the One who called us to his own glory and goodness.”

2 Peter 1:3 CJB