Church Planter Training

When an Indian man or woman accepts Jesus as their personal Savior, they are very passionate and eager to share their newfound faith in Jesus with their friends and relatives. Unfortunately, when they are unable to answer their friends’ questions, they keep quiet because of their lack of knowledge. The house church leader training equips them with the knowledge they need. Once they are trained, they go back to their own communities, where there are almost no Christians. In their home village, God uses them to share the Gospel, and, miraculously, families and entire villages are transformed.

The house church leader training curriculum is a study based on the life, teaching and ministry of Jesus. Along with imparting knowledge, it is designed to help them develop a strong personal relationship with the Lord. Emphasis is placed on the importance of living a practical Christian life and sharing one’s faith with those who have never heard the Gospel. This takes place in their native environment, over the course of one year. Each student’s goal is to establish a strong, reproducing community of faith in their native village.

Every year we train hundreds of leaders in our training centers. This year we have 16 training centers and 394 trainees going through the program. Recently our ministry leaders spoke with individuals who completed the training program last year. This month we share some of their testimonies.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” 2 Tim. 2:15, NASB