December 2019 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

The Indian state of Rajasthan, where this month’s story takes place, is one of the largest states of India, making up over 10% of the land area and home to more than 77 million people. But the Christian population remains at less than a tenth of one percent. There is still much opposition and much persecution against Christians in the state, and pastors and missionaries are especially vulnerable. But when God demonstrates His love for these people through miracles and healing, they respond with great joy, and embrace the Gospel with enthusiasm unmatched in the western world.

You see, they already believe in a supernatural, spiritual world. They don’t have to be persuaded that Jesus is alive in Spirit, and that people communicate with Him in prayer. They have seen people possessed by a spirit, whom they think is one of their gods or goddesses. But they have never experienced the love they feel from the true God of the universe. Other spirit-beings take advantage of them or afflict them in some way. But the true God, and Jesus His Son, bring healing and deliverance into their lives, in such a way that they will never go back to their idols.

Why is it that Christians in the West don’t experience this? We don’t really believe in an active supernatural spirit world. Now I know there are many exceptions to this, but the average American Christian has never seen a miracle, has never seen a demonic spirit (or at least they haven’t recognized it as such) and doesn’t expect God to intervene in their life in a tangible, significant way.

If you are a Christ-follower but have never experienced His miracle-working power in your life, I want to challenge you. Jesus wants to demonstrate His love for you, just as much as He does for the people of India. He tells us to “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7, NASB). Is there something in your life that needs a miracle? Ask Him, in faith, and see what He will do for you. And we would be honored to pray with you for the answer.

We overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the word of our testimony. With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, the Kingdom of Heaven will be advanced, and you will be blessed! Our teams are actively working to advance God’s kingdom. For more inspiring and exciting testimonies, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,


One Reply to “December 2019 Letter”

  1. Margee Thornton

    I agree wholeheartedly that God is still performing miracles for His followers. “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.“ Jeremiah 33:3. This is the kind of earnest, believing prayer that ******* Church is doing together. Pastor ****** has told us that it will continue to be our congregational night for intercession before the throne of grace as long as he is leading our flock. We are seeing miracles and are praying expecting more. Join us – you will be blessed but more importantly, our God will be exalted! Happy new year 2020 to you and your family. May we all go forth with a new 2020 vision for the kingdom of God to reach all those that are still walking in darkness.
    Laboring in the harvest together, in faith and friendship, Margee

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