This month’s testimony is one of miraculous deliverance from an evil spirit into freedom in Christ. It is a beautiful story of how an entire region can be changed through one life transformed by the Gospel.
Dedicated to the Demonic
S*, a Hindu woman, lived in a small town in the mountains with her husband and two sons. Her husband was an alcoholic; whatever he earned he spent on himself. S* had to earn money for their everyday household needs. She was suffering spiritually, physically and financially. S* told us that she came from a traditional Hindu family. At birth she was dedicated to a goddess by her parents. When she was 11 years old, during one of her visits to the temple of the goddess to whom she was dedicated, she began to dance in front of the idol and began to prophesy, telling people of their past and future. Slowly she became famous around the village, and every day her parents would dress her up like the goddess. People from different villages would come to know their future and find solutions for their problems. She would tell them to offer different animals to the temple, or other items for the solution of their problems. They used to offer different animals to the idols for their sins and for a better life. The villagers believed that the spirit of the goddess entered into S*’s body and it was not S* who spoke, it was the goddess. S* was considered the representative of the goddess. People came to her with offerings for her blessings, thinking that she could heal them or find answers for their life’s problems even at a distance.
As time passed, her prophecies were found to be false. People turned against her and her family, so they ran away from that area. They went to a new place and started to live a normal life, but the evil spirit in S* disturbed her and affected her marriage and family life.
Almost 4 years ago, one of our outreach teams had a small public meeting in one of the villages. During the public meeting S* (who was a door-to-door sales person) who went house to house to sell clothes and other products, was returning back after doing her sales. She saw a group of people sitting in the courtyard of a house. Due to her curiosity, and thinking that she could sell her products to the people around there, she stopped and sat and listened to what was being spoken. One of the members of the outreach team was sharing the Gospel message and she felt uncomfortable. She began to shout and make noise. The outreach team realized that an evil spirit possessed her. Things became worse, so two of the outreach team members went to her in front of the people and laid their hands on her. They prayed over her, but she got even worse. She fell on the ground and began to crawl. People were all looking but didn’t know how to react. Our brothers laid their hands on her and prayed for her in the Holy Spirit. After a few minutes S* was set free from the evil spirit, which by this time had tormented her for over 20 years. People were astonished and carefully listened to the Gospel message after this powerful demonstration of God’s power. That day she gave her life to the Lord, along with many others.
Consecrated to Christ
Our brothers started a regular weekly prayer group in that village. S* and her family traveled 25 miles every week to attend the prayer meeting. As she began to grow in the Lord and in His word, her husband was set free from the alcoholic addiction. Her two sons accepted the Lord. In her husband’s words “for the first time in our life we have experienced true love and joy in our family. We were traveling in different directions but Jesus united us together.”
S* began to boldly share her testimony with other people. As she traveled from village to village, from one home to another, selling her goods, she shared her testimony with people around her. She became one of the finest evangelists in sharing the Gospel to the unreached people in the mountains. She began to pray for sick people, and people possessed by evil spirits, and our gracious Lord began to move through her, in the lives of the people. She and her husband both were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to minister to the people. In the past four years, they have started 26 house churches in the different villages.