February 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

It’s hard to believe that it’s already 2022. January is done, and February is almost over. Winter is almost finished, Spring is just around the corner, and God is moving by His Spirit all around the earth. In the midst of continued struggles and challenges in the areas of our health, our economy, and our freedom, revival is breaking out in New York, in California, in Canada, and in India. As it says in Romans, “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” (Romans 5:20)

In areas where wickedness has flourished, and governments have become repressive, the Holy Spirit is setting captives free in praise and worship to Him. I believe that God has already begun to send a new great awakening on the earth. This month’s newsletter is just a small glimpse of what God is doing in India, and we hear reports from around the earth. People have been pushed to the limit and they are open to the Gospel more than ever before. Take the opportunity to reach out to your family, friends, neighbors, and others in your local community. Be willing to take a risk and share the love of God with those around you, and watch God show up and bring salvation, healing, and deliverance. We are no longer waiting for God to move – He is waiting for us.

If you have cut back on travel plans because of higher gas prices, reach out to people in your local area. Instead of driving across town, get on the phone and call people. If eating out is not in your budget, invite friends in for coffee or a meal. Instead of getting discouraged, let’s get creative in how we approach the current challenges. And don’t forget to call out to the Lord for help. And drop us a note so we can pray with you, believing for God’s answer.

As you read the 2021 statistics on the ministry, I want to remind you that these aren’t just numbers, they are real people impacted by your faithfulness in partnering with us. I can’t say it enough – I am so very grateful that you are walking beside us in God’s work in India.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
