January 2023 Partner Letter

It’s hard to believe that it’s already 2023. We survived one of the most challenging periods of time in our lives. Despite man’s attempts to stop God and silence the Church, He is still moving by His Spirit all around the earth. The struggles are real, but God’s power is more powerful than anything the enemy can try to bring against us. Revival fires are burning across the USA, in Iran, in India, and around the globe. As it says in Romans, “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” (Romans 5:20)

We see a shift happening in government, in the media, and in other areas of society. People are waking up and turning to Christ. Jesus is revealing Himself to Muslims in dreams and visions. We are in the midst of a new great awakening on the earth. God is moving by His Spirit around the world, drawing all people to Himself.

You may discover that people around you are open to the Gospel more than ever before. Reach out in Christ’s love to your family, friends, neighbors, and others in your local community. Then watch God show up and see what He does!

Don’t let uncertainty in the economy prevent you from reaching out to others. You may have to adjust your plans to fit your budget, but now is the time to meet together with other like-minded believers. Do what the Church in Acts did. “breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart” (Acts 2:46 NASB)

As you read the 2022 statistics on the ministry, I want to remind you that these aren’t just numbers, they are real people impacted by your faithfulness in partnering with us. I can’t say it enough – we are so very grateful that you are walking beside us in God’s work in India.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
