A new light is dawning in every corner of India where spiritual darkness is great. Our Lord is building His church through the power of the Holy Spirit through the work of indigenous missionaries and by the prayer and sacrificial giving of Gods children.
- Exciting Word missionaries and house church leaders, as well as our house church leader trainees, have reached over 3,200 unreached villages in six different states.
- We have distributed over 8,000 Bibles and 42,000 New Testaments. We have also distributed over 250,000 Gospel of John booklets, in 7 different languages.
- Our missionaries and house church leaders started over 1,000 prayer groups and 410 house churches in different states.
- 2,100 healings were reported by our missionary brothers, small and great. Around 2,650 people testified they had received both physical and spiritual deliverance, including deliverance from evil spirits and drug and alcohol addiction.

- More than 11,000 people responded to the altar calls in different public meetings and regular church meetings.
- Of these respondents, our missionaries baptized more than 7,900 people.
- Exciting Word helped 11 of our missionaries to get a motor bike.
- We have given 23 bicycles to our tribal house church leaders.
- We have distributed 48 rugs to the tribal house churches.
- Through our house church leaders training centers, 432 men and women have graduated.
- For the 2022-2023 training center year, 542 men and women are being trained as house church leaders.
- We dedicated 11 church buildings for the Glory of God in 2022.
- Our sewing centers trained 208 poor women and widows and 25 sewing machines have been distributed to widows.

- We have 1,900 children from the slums and poor families attending weekly Sunday school in 48 different slums. In addition, we have weekly Sunday schools in different churches, where hundreds of children are attending.
- In 2022 we conducted 16 seminars for pastors and missionary families in various locations. One of the seminars was for married couples relationships. The second type we held was for parents and their children’s relationship. The third type of seminar we held was for the family and the church relationships. Around 700 missionaries and pastors and their families from different missions and churches attended them.
- Under the banner of Exciting Word we conducted 9 youth meetings in different locations with over 1,600 young people attending where 228 young people dedicated their lives for the Lord’s work.
Despite the economic hardship caused by COVID, severe persecution by Hindu radicals, and several attacks on Christian workers, our missionaries and house church leaders continue to bring the message of gospel to the unreached villages where there is no Christian presence already ministering.
As one of our missionaries reported, from a Muslim dominated area, many Muslims are being drawn to the Lord. Many house churches have started, and more than 138 Muslims have received baptism in this past year. In this area if one is caught baptizing a person into the Christian faith, that person may be imprisoned for a seven-and-a-half-year sentence.
Another house church leader reported that a village church grew from 17 baptized believers to 170 in a one year. According to him “Many people come to the church with their different needs. Through the prayers of the believers and by the supernatural displays of God’s power during the prayers, many people are healed of physical ailments and experience spiritual deliverance. The Lord meets them where they are and demonstrates His power. This is drawing them and their families to the Lord.”
A house church leader trainee reported that because of this past Christmas outreach, there were 65 people that decided to live for the Lord in the past four weeks and he was able to start 7 prayers groups in different villages.
Another one of our missionaries who was arrested 4 times this past year and beaten by Hindu radicals in his village, continues to minister. During that time 36 families in his village have become believers, including some of the ones who have beaten him up!
Help Us Share the Gospel
The people of India are searching and open to the Gospel, despite the persecution they face. The fields are ripe unto harvest. Join us in this work with your prayers and financial support.
To find out how your support will help us, click here. To read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!
Proclaiming the Gospel…
…until He comes,