July 2018 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

Sometimes we think the Gospel is complicated. We analyze it intellectually, discussing things like atonement, incarnation, eschatology, and other topics. But does the Gospel need to be understood intellectually in order to be received? When Jesus said in Luke 18:16 “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,” He was indicating that even children, with their limited intellect, have the capacity to embrace the kingdom of God.

In fact, He goes on to say in verse 17 “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” Sometimes we adults must follow the example of children, and set aside our rational intellect, in order to embrace the Person of a God who loves us, cares for us, and is able to change our world if we let Him.

As I said last month, how much do we expect God to really do? And, do we ever, unknowingly, put limitations or boundaries on His Power? Sometimes we see VBS programs as an afterthought, a necessary charity program to keep children occupied and out of trouble. But a VBS is more than that. Our teams are encountering more resistance to direct evangelism. So VBS programs are an effective spiritual strategy to reach into communities where there may be resistance to the Gospel. Once the children are reached with the message of love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, their parents are much more open to receive the Gospel for themselves.

Will you stand with us in prayer for our VBS programs? Ask God to direct our leadership teams in everything they do. And then, ask God if He would have you partner with us financially. We have seen donations drop off during the summer, as people’s minds are on other things. But God’s work must continue.

Thank you for continuing to pray for all of us here. And thank you to those who support us sacrificially every month. Please tell all your Christian friends about our new website and encourage them to join us as partners. Invite them to visit us at https://www.excitingword.org/revivalnow and they can read some of the same newsletter stories that you enjoy! (the names have been changed to protect our pastors and missionaries)

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
