June 2023 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

God loves this world more than we do, much more than we can even imagine. Is it any wonder then, when He moves in a remote tribe who are considered “untouchables” and decides to touch them with His Spirit? This month’s story is about such a tribe, a people group cast off by society, without hope in this world. But God…

What about you? Are you feeling like society has cast you off? Are you feeling like you don’t fit in? Like you aren’t accepted anywhere? Our answer is the same as this remote tribe discovered. But God! God loves you more than you can even imagine. He wants to provide for you, heal you, give you His Peace. He wants to shower you with His blessings. Sometimes we need a reminder of His plan, His purpose, and His character.

Jesus summed it up when He said “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.” If you are experiencing things in your life being stolen, killed, or destroyed, Jesus says that is the work of the “thief.” If your relationships are being destroyed, your peace is being stolen, your hope is being killed, that is not God at work in your life.

Take a moment to cry out to Him and ask Him to impart to you His promise of abundant life, and He will do it! He wants to give you His abundant peace, His abundant joy, and yes, even His abundant provision. Take Him at His word today and expect Him to answer with showers of blessings on you.

That’s what this remote tribe did, and God began to change their lives. Like what happened to them, your change isn’t going to manifest itself immediately. You may have to listen for God’s direction in your life. You may have to start making different choices. But God tells us that “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Let’s choose to trust Him with that, stand firm, and watch God move and bring the answer.

Thank you for your faithfulness in partnering with us. We could never do what we are doing without your prayers and financial support.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,


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  1. Pingback: God Touches the Untouchables - Revival Now!

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