The past six weeks have been a very busy time for all our brothers and sisters working in our children’s ministry. We held a 4-day training seminar where more than 900 young men and women were trained as Children’s Bible School teachers. Through these 900+ young people, and with the help of hundreds of believers who volunteered as assistants, we started a 4–6-week Children’s Bible School in over 342 villages. For 75% of these villages, it was the first time anything like this had been done. Over 14,600 children between the ages of 6 and 16 attended the Children’s Bible School. Most of these Children’s Bible Schools were in villages and slums in remote tribal areas. During the school, we gave them books with different parables, that also included moral lessons suitable for the older children.
It was really hard work for the teachers because most of them were first timers, but the Lord gave them grace. In some villages, we only had 10-15 children, but in others we had 150-200 children attending the Children’s Bible School. The schools were in session 3 hours a day for 4 days a week. Often the daily highs were above 110° F. There were other difficulties too, such as finding a suitable location, dealing with opposition from Hindu radicals, and so on.
Through the Children’s Bible School hundreds of children’s lives were touched by God. In one school, many of the children were filled with Holy Spirit. Many others experienced healing and deliverance in their bodies during the Children’s Bible School sessions. And as a result, we have started regular weekly worship services in 63 villages, where these children along with their parents are now attending.
After the Children’s Bible School, our leadership team reported that over 1,200 children between the ages of 12 to 16 had received Jesus into their lives and indicated a desire to live for Christ. Many more made the decision to live a better life by being obedient to their parents, to focus on their studies and to change their attitude toward one another.
The most amazing experience was hearing the responses of the parents. We have reports of hundreds of parents coming and thanking our brothers and sisters for the Children’s Bible School because they have noticed the change in their child’s life. According to Manoj, a farmer and father of four, “My children were very arrogant and disobedient. I tried everything to get them on the right path, but it always failed. My wife and I were worried, but yesterday when I came home my children came and touched my feet (a sign of respect to parents and elders). I hugged them for the first time in years, and with joy we cried together. I realized my children had been longing for an affectionate hug from me, while I had been looking for some respect from them. I don’t know what changed them, but I love it! Please continue to come and teach our children!”

children to their fathers, so that I will not come and strike the land with complete
destruction. (Malachi 4:6 NASB)
Manju’s Story
Manju is a brilliant 15-year-old young girl. She grew up in an idol-worshipping family where girls were viewed as less valuable than boys. Manju’s father was addicted to alcohol and used to beat up his wife and daughter and curse her for all the hardship he was going through in his life.
As a result, Manju struggled with many emotional issues. She was stubborn and disobedient, and in the beginning, she was hard to control. Her stubborn nature caused issues with other children, but slowly her attitude changed, and she began to be friendly with others. As the days passed, she became much happier and more confident!
Manju encouraged herself by singing songs and listening to stories about Jesus. She didn’t know much about Jesus before, but she believed everything she heard. Before long, she had a few Scripture passages memorized!
Manju began to trust in Jesus and started to pray for God to change her father, too. Manju brought her mother to the Children’s Bible School. Shortly afterward, she received Jesus into her life because of the change she saw in Manju. Manju and her mother are afraid of Manju’s father’s response to this turn of events. Please join them in prayer for him to give up his addiction and surrender his life to Christ.
Sanu’s Story
Sanu grew up in a traditional Hindu high-caste home. His parents were very religious, and they taught him all the Hindu religious practices. He attended the Children’s Bible School in his village along with his friends without the knowledge of the parents.
The first day, the lesson was entitled “How to Pray.” This simple lesson on how to pray (and to whom to pray), and the meaning of prayer touched Sanu. He had never understood the Hindu prayers he was taught by his parents. He would simply recite prayers in Sanskrit. But in the Children’s Bible School he understood every word, and it was easy. During a prayer session as he was praying tears began rolling down his cheeks. He kept praying with great passion, and suddenly, the Holy Spirit came upon him, and he began to speak in tongues. Once he started, many other young boys and girls were also filled with the Holy Spirit. After that session, the atmosphere changed! Sanu’s distress turned to hope, and an unexplainable joy came into his life.
Sanu’s newfound faith and experience in Christ impacted his parents. Sanu’s mother had issues with headaches for several years. Sometimes she was in bed for days. After the experience in the Children’s Bible School, Sanu went back home. Finding his mother in bed, Sanu felt the Lord leading him to pray for her. He prayed, and the Lord instantly healed her from 20 years of headaches! The following day Sanu’s parents came to the Children’s Bible School, and they too received Jesus into their life. At the end of the 4-week Children’s Bible School 72 children from 12 to 15 years of age received Jesus into their lives. Since then, regular Sunday worship has been going on in the village, with over 120 people attending! Recently, Regi was in that village fellowshipping with the new believers.
Help Us Share the Gospel
This is just the beginning of the story. We know that through these children our Lord will do a mighty work in each of their families and in the villages. Our primary focus was to teach prayer: How to pray, to whom to pray, and what to pray. And we know that prayer can change every situation in our life!
To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!
Proclaiming the Gospel…
…until He comes,