Dear Partners and Friends,
This month’s stories are all about transformation, and the Power of the Gospel to bring change
in our lives. God will move into our lives wherever we allow and invite Him. He will bring positive change
to our lives.
Do you need change in your life? Do you need transformation? Nothing is too difficult for the
Lord. If you need a miracle, He is willing and able to do a miracle in your life. Where do you need His
touch, His transforming Power? In your health? In your job? In your finances? In relationships? As I said
last month, Jesus is the Answer to every problem, every concern.
Are you sick? He is the Answer. Are you prone to argue with your spouse or children? He is the
Answer. Are you facing financial burdens? He is the Answer. For every concern that faces us, He is the
Answer. These things might look like mountains in front of us, making the way impassable, but what does
He say? In Isaiah 43:16, it says
“Thus says the Lord, who makes a way through the sea and a path
through the mighty waters.”
If God can make a way through the sea, for Israel to cross over on dry land,
He can surely make a way through your difficulty.
Speak to the mountain of sickness, the mountain of discord, the mountain of financial burdens,
and, with God’s faith, cast them into the sea. Now thank Him for answering your prayer and wait
expectantly for whatever it is that you need.
Thank you for continuing to pray for all of us here, and thank you for
your sacrificial support every month.
Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,