March 2021 Letter

Dear Partner,

Here in America, we might have the impression that the world has stopped. Life has been at a standstill. Society is slowly opening up, masks are starting to come off, people are beginning to move more freely. In India, the Kingdom of God has continued advancing, even during a time of difficulty and persecution.

By God’s grace, this year 56 of our native tribal brothers are going out for the summer outreach. They are from Bible colleges and our own training centers. They will be divided into 7 teams of 7 each; 5 teams will be going out to the unreached villages of one state and two teams in another. Please pray for their protection and divine provision for the outreach. We need 30,000 Gospel packets, 20,000 New Testaments, and 2000 Bibles.

We are also starting 16 training centers in different states, where between 450 and 500 men and women will be trained as house church leaders. Apart from that, we are starting 6 small training centers in the mountain villages with less than 10 trainees in each. These will be two-day training sessions (with an overnight stay) every two weeks, for the convenience of the trainees, who will be coming from remote villages to attend the training.

We could not do any of this without the generous financial support of you, our partners! We also rely on and ask for your continued prayer support. In addition to the needs mentioned above, some of our missionaries have also undergone hardship and persecution. This month’s newsletter contains several stories of victory amid persecution.

You may be unable to share the Gospel with your neighbors because of lockdown. But you can share in the work that our dear Brothers and Sisters in India are doing, and you will also share in the reward. As you read these stories, please keep our teams in prayer.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
