March 2023 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

If you have been a Christian for more than a few years, you have probably noticed that society in general is not always favorable toward Christians who wish to express their faith publicly. Now I’m not talking about making excuses for being rude or obnoxious, and expecting others to approve just because you are “sharing the gospel.” When we share the gospel publicly, we should do it in a way that is loving and compassionate toward others.

Even then, we can be misunderstood. People might have preconceived ideas of our motives, and before taking time to listen, they can attack us verbally or in other ways. How do we address this? By responding with love and compassion. Sometimes the most hateful people are the ones that are experiencing the most emotional pain. They might have had a negative experience with Christians in the past, leading them to make negative assumptions about us.

I am both inspired and challenged by this month’s testimony, where young believers take a bold stance for their faith and suffer public humiliation as a result. Please take some time to pray for these believers, that they will continue to be strong in their faith and witness.

Pray for the Church in America, too. We aren’t facing the same kind of persecution, but we face various kinds of opposition. My prayer is that God would help us remain strong in our faith and the expression of our faith, even in the face of opposition.

As you read this month’s newsletter, I want to thank you for your faithfulness in partnering with us. We could never do what we are doing without your prayers and financial support.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
