May 2018 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

Sometimes we just don’t realize how significant our lives really are. We go about our daily lives, we go to work, we come home, and we interact with people around us every day. And often we don’t even realize that people are watching us.

They notice how we respond to situations, both positive and negative circumstances. And so many people are hungry for words of life. They think that they are alone in their life. They think no one cares about them. They long for a relationship with a loving God, and sometimes they aren’t even aware of this need. Like the door-to-door sales person in this month’s newsletter, you too can touch the lives of those around you. You can, with the Lord’s help, share the Gospel with those around you.

It can be difficult to overcome our fears and speak to people, sometimes co-workers, sometimes complete strangers, about the Gospel. But we believe that Jesus wants to demonstrate His love for others, in tangible ways. So, as you interact with others look for needs in their life that Christ can meet. Look for ways that God the Father can shower His love upon them. And then, ask them if you can pray for that need. And finally, when you pray, expect God to provide the answer.

God can and will do much more than we can ask or even imagine. Thank you for continuing to pray for all of us here. And thank you for your sacrificial support every month. Please tell all your Christian friends about this website and encourage them to join us as partners. They can visit us at and read some of the same stories that you enjoy!

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
