November 2022 Partner Letter

This is the time of year when we stop and look back, reflecting on the year that is quickly coming to an end. Thanksgiving is more than a time to enjoy a wonderful meal with our families and friends. It’s a time to thank God that we have made it through another year, because of His faithfulness to us.

As we give thanks to God, let’s also remember that many people in India have never heard about our Lord Jesus Christ, or His love for them. We want to share the message of hope with them. The year is quickly passing; the Christmas season will soon be here, and with it comes our Christmas outreach program. This year we have 19 training centers in 6 different states where 543 house church leaders are being equipped. As part of their practical training, every year we send them out for our Christmas outreach. This year also we are planning to send them out to go door-to-door from December 12th to the 22nd, and then from December 22nd to the 27th they will have public meetings with the help of other churches in the area.

Our goal is for our brothers and sisters to reach 50,000 unreached homes with Gospel packets and New Testaments during the 10 days of door-to-door outreach. Following that, we are planning to conduct 38 public meetings during the 5 days of Christmas celebrations.

To accomplish this, we need your support. Specifically, we need the following:

  • 50,000 Gospel packets,
  • 20,000 New Testaments
  • 2000 Bibles
  • Finances to help rent tents and sound systems for the 38 public meetings

Please pray and ask the Lord Jesus whether He would have you be involved in supporting this effort. If He speaks to you, our partner, and you are prompted to give, we can potentially reach 200,000 people with the message of the Gospel. Just think of the positive impact that can result by having so many new believers. The villages will be transformed, and you will be blessed, knowing that you played an integral part in getting the message out.

Thank you for continuing to pray for all of us here at Exciting Word Ministries. We are a small ministry by natural standards, and we depend on the faithful gifts of our partners and friends. If you believe in the power of the Gospel, please prayerfully consider supporting us with a monthly gift. And please tell all your Christian friends to visit our website where they can read the same newsletter stories that you enjoy! To read about our annual pastors conference, click here.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
