November 2024 Partner Letter

During last year’s Christmas outreach we reached 896 unreached villages and shared the Gospel with over 216,000 homes. According to our field report, over 75,000 people attended public meetings. More than 9,000 people publicly responded to an altar call. Because of last year’s Christmas outreach our brothers and sisters were able to start over 256 prayer groups in the unreached villages. The Lord of The Harvest gave us a great Harvest, beyond what we thought or imagined. It was a great blessing to see hundreds responding to the Gospel call, and people healed and delivered in front of our eyes.

This year we are planning for the Christmas outreach along with our 700+ training center students. Many churches and youth groups in the rural areas are also planning to join us in the Christmas outreach. We have 21 churches in Bihar who are not part of Exciting Word and want to be part of our Christmas outreach and there are many more in other areas. We are expecting to send out 150 teams to 6 different states to focus on 900-1000 villages, and to reach 140,000 to 170,000 homes to share the Gospel with during the two weeks of outreach.

Please pray with us for the 2024 Christmas outreach as we are planning that our Lord would give us directions and lead us and guide us to reach the unreached with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a great need for resources, and financial needs for this outreach program. We ask you to please prayerfully consider helping us to reach the unreached.

  • Over 220,000 Gospel of John Booklets – $12,000 (for $1 we can give a Gospel of John to 20 homes)
  • 50,000 New Testaments – $6000 (for $1 we can give New Testaments to 8 people)
  • 5,000 Bibles – $11,000 (for $2.20 we can give a complete Bible to a person who responds to the Gospel call in a public meeting, as a Christmas gift.)
  • Expenses for public meetings, for sound systems rentals, floor mats and tents. $100-150 per meeting.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
