October 2019 Letter

Dear Partners and Friends,

Much of the world around us today lives in fear. Fear of financial failure; fear of dying; fear of things undermining our way of life; fear of sickness and disease; fear of others who don’t share our values; etc. Often we make decisions and choices from a posture of fear. We have faith in God, yet so often our daily life might not reflect that faith. Years ago I heard a saying “if you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” More important, what kind of evidence would they find? We go to church regularly, read our Bible, but do our lives have any impact on the world around us?

Missionary, author, and apostolic leader Leif Hetland encourages us to see people around us not as problems, but rather as possibilities. Instead of focusing on their history, see their destiny. Instead of seeing the disgusting sinner, see the destined saint. Our brothers and sisters in India saw a family from a different religion, one that is often associated with violence and terrorism, not as problems, but as possibilities. They saw a hurting family that needed the healing touch of Our Savior. And instead of running the other way, they embraced the family with the love of Christ, and their love and faith released miraculous power in this family, that impacted the entire village.

Are you reaching out to people around you? How do you see people of other religions – as a problem or a possibility? Are you willing to release the love of Christ to people around you? God wants to use you just as he is using our Indian brothers and sisters. The next time you encounter someone from another faith, offer to pray for them in the name of Jesus, and watch what God does. He loves people more than we do, and He wants to reveal His love to them.

As you step out, share your testimonies with us so we can rejoice with you, and agree for God’s perfect plan to be carried out.

We overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the word of our testimony. With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, the Kingdom of Heaven will be advanced, and you will be blessed! Our teams are actively working to advance God’s kingdom. For more inspiring and exciting testimonies, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
