India is the most populous country in the world with one-sixth of the world’s population. According to official estimates in 2022, India’s population stood at over 1.42 billion. Among these people, there are 2,373 people groups, and 90% of those are yet to be reached with the Gospel. In the 2,135 unreached people groups there are more than 1.3 billon people.
So how do we reach them? One person at a time, one village at a time, one people group at a time. This month we hear about a people group of 19 million people, most of whom have never heard the name of Jesus. But God, in His rich mercy and grace, has reached out to these people through the lives of a few dedicated people who felt the burden to reach these people with the Gospel.
How were these people encouraged in their calling? Through the influence of others who were dedicated to the Lord in their own calling, with their own burden. As believers, we each have a calling and a burden to reach someone with the Gospel. Are we inspiring others to do the same?
As we think about our own lives, there are people around us who we influence. How can we encourage them to seek the Lord and find their own calling, and then step out and do what the Lord wants them to do? How can we be an example to them by demonstrating a faith filled life of service to our Master?
As you reflect on your calling, ask God to show you how you can help others discover their calling. You will be encouraged as you encourage others. As I say often, thank you for your faithfulness in partnering with us. We could never do what we are doing without your prayers and financial support.
Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,