J* is a small village located 7 miles from the nearest road. It is totally undeveloped, and only 148 families live there, most of them “untouchables” (the lowest social status). This past December, some of our trainees went into this unreached village as part of their Christmas outreach program. They visited every home, sharing the Gospel orally from door to door, unable to share their literature because most of the residents were illiterate. They didn’t expect much response, but after the outreach they had some small public meetings in the village. Nonetheless, between 50 and 60 people attended the meetings, and 19 people responded to the altar call! But our work in this village actually started last March. At that time, one of our trainees had just completed our basic training. This training consists of 40 days of foundational training, one day a week for 40 weeks. At the end of the training, he could still hardly read and write, and he and his wife had never done mission work. He could have focused on all these negatives, but when he was asked to come to the village and conduct some Gospel meetings there, he agreed. His home church and our ministry sent him to this remote village as a full time missionary. He and his wife were willing to go to a poor community and live in a very rural, undeveloped village, and there they started a regular worship service. Over the past year, the response has been great. Last week R* was in the village for a public meeting, where more than 400 people attended, and 72 people responded to the altar call!