The Open Door

Our Lord uses the most difficult circumstances for His Glory. Over the past two years we have experienced the pandemic, financial hardship, and emotional hardship, along with intense persecution and threats all around. The church in India is going through a storm. 

Through the earnest prayer and support of people like you who love the Lord and His work in India, our brothers and sisters are proclaiming the Gospel with great energy and enthusiasm, reaching out to the unreached people groups. Our Lord who commanded us to “Go” also promised that “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” 

The recent Christmas outreach and Easter outreach have both proven that, although many people groups in India have never heard the name of Jesus, now their hearts are open to the Good News like never before. During the Christmas 20-day outreach our brothers and sisters visited 58,000 homes in 298 unreached villages in five different states. Our brothers and sisters conducted 112 public meetings in different villages, and more than 2,328 people responded to the Gospel message and openly received Jesus as their personal Savior during the meetings. Many thousands came forward seeking prayer for their spiritual and physical needs. Many people were healed and delivered from addiction and demonic depression. 

Easter Outreach Public Meeting

During the Easter outreach, more than 1,100 people openly came forward to receive Jesus into their lives through 42 public meetings we arranged. Over 16,000 people attended the 42 public meetings. Thousands of people came forward to receive prayer during the meetings. Jesus confirmed His word with signs, wonders and miracles during these meetings. As the Bible says “The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he sends forth laborers into his harvest.”

Training Native House Church Leaders

Passionate Indian believers are eager to share their testimony and faith in Jesus with their friends and relatives. They are the front line workers in the task of spreading the Gospel, and opening the doors for church planting. Every year we train up hundreds of young men and women to share the Gospel and lead house churches. During the academic year (that started last May and ended in March) we trained 422 men and women, in 16 training centers in various states. 

Training Center Students

When we train and equip them to serve their local communities and share the Gospel to the native people, God uses them to reach families and villages. This year we are planning to open 18 training centers. We have started 7 of them; the rest will be started this month. This year we are expecting over 500 people for the training. 

“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent.”

Children’s Ministries

During the pandemic, many families fell into poverty due to lockdowns and other financial issues. Now that the restrictions are slowly being lifted, many families in the tribal villages, especially ones with children, are facing a hard time physically and emotionally. Many people are taking advantage of the situation, pressuring parents to send their sons and daughters to become child laborers. In some cases, these children are being targeted and trafficked. 

Since the pandemic started, our children’s ministries have slowed down due to government restrictions. But for the last six months our children’s ministries have become very active. Now, instead of us reaching into an area, the people from the slums and villages are coming to us, asking us to start Sunday schools in their areas. Last week we held Sunday school teacher training, and 72 young men and women attended the training from six different states. We were planning for only ten each from each state, but some other mission organizations sent their people to be trained. These trainees will go and conduct training for other young people in their native languages. 

We are praying and planning to train up at least 300 to 350 young people locally to conduct Sunday schools for the next 6 weeks during the summer vacations in their villages. Due to covid fear we will not be able to invite children from one village to another village. So, we must conduct each Sunday school in its own village. We are focusing on 7,500 to 10,000 children to attend the Sunday school sessions this year. Our Sunday school introduces these underprivileged children to Jesus through different activities, through prayer, and by showing God’s love to them and allowing them to experience it, and by building relationships with them. 

Please pray for the Lord to move in each of these Sunday schools.

Help Us Share the Gospel

Look at what God is doing! And He’s using your prayers and financial support! The message of the Gospel is reaching unreached villages of India through native believers, transforming thousands of lives.

To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Proclaiming the Gospel…

                      …until He comes,

May 2022 Partner Letter

Look for the open door. As the world seems to press in from every side, God has given you an open door. You may not see it, but it’s there. You may have experienced financial hardship. Maybe it has been difficulty in your health. Or perhaps there has been hardship in your family or personal relationships. Regardless of what kind of hardship you have been experiencing, God has put before you an open door. If you are feeling the temptation to give up, resist it.

God has a plan for you. Regarding any kind of temptation, His Word says, “No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13, NASB)

This includes the temptation to stop believing that God is faithful. Maybe you have been praying for relief in some area, and for some reason, the breakthrough has not yet come. Maybe it is in your health, or maybe your finances have taken a turn for the worse. Whatever the issue, now is not the time to give up. The signs are clear. We are in the end times. The adversary knows that his time is short, and he is trying to knock us out and cause us to lose faith. Don’t give in. “Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary.” (Galatians 6:9, NASB)

Our teams were weary, but they didn’t give up. And now we are reaping the harvest. We will be reaching out to more than 10,000 children in our Sunday school programs. We saw more than 3,000 people give their lives to Christ in our public meetings.

You may be weary, but don’t give up. Look around you. There are people in your community who need to hear about the love of Christ. Reach out to them. You may be surprised at the harvest you will reap.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,


Christ Jesus Sets Them Free

Aman, one of our missionaries, works in a village in the state of Punjab, with his family. Before Aman came to the Lord, he struggled with addiction. After being delivered by Jesus, he received a clear vision from God to go to this village and share Jesus because it is known for addiction to both drugs and alcohol. More than 70% of the men are addicted to one or the other. When Aman was called, he lived approximately 186 miles from the village.

Aman began to share the Gospel with the young men dealing with addiction in the village after he arrived. The village was so corrupted by addiction that the landlords were accustomed to taking advantage of addicts, who would do anything to get a fix. The landlords would loan them money on high interest rates, knowing they would not be able to pay them back. When the time came for the young men to pay back the loan, the landlords would put them to work on their farms for very low wages. They would work as indentured servants, living with 12-16 people in a house and working in the fields.

As God used Aman in the village, many of these young people began giving their lives to Jesus. As a result many were being delivered from addictions, causing the prosperity of the landlords to be affected. The landlords, in turn, became furious with Aman and his family and began to persecute them. His wife, who worked part time in the schools lost her job as they influenced the school management. His children were forced out of the schools they attended as well. Also, they threatened to burn up his motorbike.

Even in the midst of persecution Brother Aman and his family were faithful with the calling God gave him. They continued sharing the Gospel in the face of trials and began to see a great harvest. Many people gave their lives to Jesus and were delivered from the spirit of addiction. Recently, in March, Regi joined Aman, and together they baptized 49 people in two different services. When people are baptized in India, it is a public confession of faith and a full denial of Hindu gods. They are now committed believers.

These are some of their testimonies

38 year old Ranveer Singh, is an unmarried man from a high caste family. He was physically challenged from birth. He had severe breathing problems that prevented him from walking long distances or being able to work. Our outreach team visited his village during the last Christmas Outreach and shared the Gospel with him. He was also given a New Testament. Ranveer read the Gospels and was greatly encouraged by every miracle. He was so excited that he told his parents, who are very devout Sikhs, about what he read and that he wanted to go to Brother Aman’s public ministry meetings. However, his parents refused because most of the people attending the meetings were low caste and the high caste does not associate with them.

Even so, on December 23rd, he found a way to attend one of the public meetings with Aman. He heard the Gospel again and came forward to receive Jesus as his savior. Ranveer shared that at this time one of the young ministers came and touched him on the shoulder and prayed for him, specifically for his breathing problem to be healed. He was astonished because he hadn’t told anyone at the meeting of his struggles. As the young man was praying he began to breath heavily and began to shout and speak something he had never spoken before. He did not understand what he was saying nor did he understand what was happening with his body. Later someone told him that he was on the floor for half an hour. Afterward, he walked back to his home, which was 6 miles away, through fields, and had no breathing problems at all. When he arrived home, he told his family what had happened and they marveled that he had walked 6 miles without any struggle! That day, Jesus completely healed him. Later his family believed in Jesus as well. During this most recent baptism, 14 members of Ranveer’s family were baptized. That same day Ranveer dedicated his life to be a full time missionary in front of the church.

42 year old Amar Singh, was a drug addict. His wife and two children left him and were living with his parents, because he was continuing to give in to the addiction. He used cheap pills from the drug store to fuel his addiction but these were taxing on his health, both physically and mentally. He became homeless and slept in the fields and the forest. During our Christmas Outreach, one of our ministers found him laying sick in the field. This minister brought him to the hospital. The prognosis was poor as he had a very bad case of pneumonia. The doctors did not expect him to recover. However, the believers continued in prayer for him. He remained in the hospital a long time, but steadily began recovering. On the 24th day he was released from the hospital, after God healed his lungs. However, having been an addict and homeless, he had nowhere to go. Brother Aman brought him to his home and the believers cared for him. They prayed with him and he gave his life to Jesus. During this recent baptism, he got baptized. He has been delivered from drugs and healed of pneumonia and now has fully given his life to Jesus. We continue to pray, however, for a full miracle of reconciliation with his wife and children. They are watching and waiting to see that he is truly delivered and will not go back to a life of addiction. We believe God that he will walk fully in his deliverance and will be restored to his family and be able to lead them in Christ.

31 year old Sister Thirtha and her husband Vinod were both addicts. Vinod was an addict when she married him and soon she also became one, and together they’ve been addicts for 9 years. Thirtha’s parents recently brought her to the Christmas Outreach meeting. There she was touched by the power of God. At one point she went up for prayer and an older woman prayed for her. While praying together, she felt electricity passing through her body for a few seconds and fell down in the Spirit. The older lady helped to lift her back up and blessed her. After the meeting she came home to her husband. He offered to share his drugs that he was using with her, but she didn’t feel like it so she told him maybe later. She had no interest in it though, so kept deciding not to have any. That night she slept without any. The next day she still didn’t have any desire for it. Thirtha took her husband to the church and they also prayed with him. He was fully delivered in just a few weeks. They had tried and tried in times past to break the addiction, going for several months to rehabilitation centers and working with many doctors but could not get free. They even thought of committing suicide in an attempt to be free. But in these services that Brother Aman led, they found freedom for the first time. They were fully delivered from addiction through the prayers of common people, who believe in Jesus. They felt theirs was the story of the prodigal son and now have returned home to their Father, fully enjoying His blessings. They both were baptized at the recent service with Regi and Aman. Knowing Jesus answers prayer, they are now petitioning for children as they have not had any in the 9 years they’ve been married. They would like to have children they can raise in the Lord.

The others who were baptized also had wonderful testimonies to the power of God in their lives. God is using Brother Aman and other brothers and sisters in the Lord. Beginning April 1st and onto Easter, our outreach team is focusing on his village and the 49 surrounding villages. By the grace of God they plan to do a two-week outreach and conduct 6 public meetings in that area. Please keep Brother Aman, his family, and our outreach teams in your prayers as God continues to use them for His glory. Amen.

Help Us Share the Gospel

Today the message of the Gospel is speeding into the unreached villages of India through native believers, transforming thousands of lives.

Will you help us continue sharing the Gospel in India? Ask Father God what He would have you do. To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Proclaiming the Gospel…

                      …until He comes,

April 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

Lately it seems that the world is in a constant state of upheaval. Wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, famine, extreme weather, and the economic impact of all these things. But Jesus prepared us for this time. In John 16:33, He said “These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Whatever challenges, whatever struggles we are experiencing, He says he has overcome them. If we aren’t experiencing the “overcoming” life, let’s “press in” to Him in prayer, trusting that He will bring us through. If you are reading this, you have made it through two years of a pandemic lockdown that has impacted the entire world. Is there anything too difficult for God?

This month we read testimonies of people who were set free from addiction by the power of the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus. Are you trapped by any kind of bondage or addiction? Jesus can set you free, too! Call out to him and ask him to deliver you. We are here to agree with you in prayer if that will help.

Do you know someone around you that needs freedom? Reach out and share the love of Christ with them, and watch God set them free. Sometimes just a phone call will help to lift their spirit and renew their hope. You may not feel powerful, but because you are born again, you have the power of Christ within you. Share the hope you have with others who need it.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,


All Things Through Christ

The year 2021 started with feelings of fear and helplessness.  By March, the fear of death was playing in the minds of the people.  The Corona virus numbers continued going up and hospitals and health centers became full.  The government of India was doing everything they could to help, and yet helplessness continued to grow. 

However, the people of God trusted in the Lord and continued in prayer and sharing the love and affection of God through good works.  God opened new opportunities for service, using small opportunities to glorify His name and reveal His glory among the people.  Thousands of lives were touched, healed and delivered by the Lord’s grace and favor.  2021 became a harvesting year!  Our brothers and sisters in the mission field and our outreach teams accomplished a lot by the grace of God this past year.

Here are some of those accomplishments:

  • Reached over 980 unreached villages.
  • Reached more than 62,000 unreached homes with the Gospel.
  • Started 768 new prayer groups, which meet weekly with people from all religious backgrounds
  • More than 16,300 people received Jesus as their personal savior and publicly confessed Him as Lord.
  • 6,382 people were baptized in different states.
  • Fully trained over 382 men and women in our 40-day training centers.
  • 421 more people are currently going through the training in the training centers.
  • 8 Sewing Centers trained 178 poor women and widows to stitch cloths and make dresses in order to sell as a way to support their families.
  • We have also distributed 29 sewing machines to poor women and widows.
  • We were able to give out 8,700 Bibles in seven Indian languages to the people.
  • Over 69,000 New Testaments were distributed in different languages.
  • Over 300,000 Gospels of John were distributed to people who can read and write.
  • 7 motor bikes were given to our missionaries, 
  • 16 bicycles given to our house church leaders. 
  • 11 church buildings were built and dedicated to the glory of God.
  • 14 church buildings are under construction right now.
  • Several hundred healings and divine deliverances, as reported by House Church Leaders and Missionaries, this past year.
  • 21 of our Missionaries and House Church Leaders faced physical persecution during 2021 from Hindu radicals, some of them requiring hospitalization.
  • Many Churches were vandalized, and men, women, and children were beaten up.
  • 12 were arrested by the police while sharing the gospel or conducting a prayer meeting in the village.
  • 3 of our temporary house church buildings were burned down or pulled down in the village by Hindu radicals.
  • 11 of our new believer’s families were forced out of their village for believing in Jesus.

As we look back at 2021, we see the faithfulness of God.  He has sustained us, kept us safe, led, guided, and faithfully provided for us.  He has used your prayers and support, and joined you with us in these marvelous accomplishments of God through this ministry.

Help Us Share the Gospel

Today the message of the Gospel is speeding into the unreached villages of India through native believers, transforming thousands of lives.

Will you help us continue sharing the Gospel in India? Ask Father God what He would have you do. To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Proclaiming the Gospel…

                      …until He comes,

February 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

It’s hard to believe that it’s already 2022. January is done, and February is almost over. Winter is almost finished, Spring is just around the corner, and God is moving by His Spirit all around the earth. In the midst of continued struggles and challenges in the areas of our health, our economy, and our freedom, revival is breaking out in New York, in California, in Canada, and in India. As it says in Romans, “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” (Romans 5:20)

In areas where wickedness has flourished, and governments have become repressive, the Holy Spirit is setting captives free in praise and worship to Him. I believe that God has already begun to send a new great awakening on the earth. This month’s newsletter is just a small glimpse of what God is doing in India, and we hear reports from around the earth. People have been pushed to the limit and they are open to the Gospel more than ever before. Take the opportunity to reach out to your family, friends, neighbors, and others in your local community. Be willing to take a risk and share the love of God with those around you, and watch God show up and bring salvation, healing, and deliverance. We are no longer waiting for God to move – He is waiting for us.

If you have cut back on travel plans because of higher gas prices, reach out to people in your local area. Instead of driving across town, get on the phone and call people. If eating out is not in your budget, invite friends in for coffee or a meal. Instead of getting discouraged, let’s get creative in how we approach the current challenges. And don’t forget to call out to the Lord for help. And drop us a note so we can pray with you, believing for God’s answer.

As you read the 2021 statistics on the ministry, I want to remind you that these aren’t just numbers, they are real people impacted by your faithfulness in partnering with us. I can’t say it enough – I am so very grateful that you are walking beside us in God’s work in India.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,


The Ultimate Christmas Gift

Our indigenous house church leaders are starting house churches in the unreached Hindu and Muslim dominated villages in Northern India. God is building His church through wonders and miracles done in His power, through simple believers who have committed to serve the Lord in difficult situations. Despite economic hardship and severe persecution, our brothers continue to reach the unreached.

A Child is Born

Sidhu and Lakshmi are a young couple from a tribal area. They were married at the young age of 18, as is the custom in their tribe. After 10 years of marriage, they still did not have any children. To help them conceive, their parents tried all kinds of witchcraft on Lakshmi but nothing worked. Finally, Sidhu’s family accused her and sent her back to her parents’ home, saying they don’t need a daughter-in-law who can’t bear a child. Sidhu loved his wife but under the pressure of his parents he was helpless. Three years ago, he went and took his wife and together they ran away from his village and came to a small city. There they met some believers who were praying together in a brick factory.  The believers introduced Sidhu and Lakshmi to this new idea of faith in Jesus. They laid hands on them, blessed them and prayed for the Lord to bless them with a child. In that small city, Sidhu and Lakshmi accepted the Lord, but after barely three months of fellowship with the believers, the pandemic struck and they were forced to go back to their tribal village.

Sidhu’s family was still not willing to accept Lakshmi, so they had to pitch a tent just outside the village. They were happy, and though they had many difficulties and hardships to endure, they had something new, the Joy of the Lord.

Sidhu and Lakshmi began to share their new faith in Jesus with their friends and the Gospel spread through the village. Through their prayers the Lord did wonders and miracles. Many people were touched, healed, and delivered through the power of God. The believers in the village began to come together regularly and hundreds of people came to know the Lord.

Baptism Candidates in Sidhu and Lakshmi’s Village

After 9 months, their joy knew no bounds when they came to know that Lakshmi was expecting a child! Just last month Regi and Sherly were in their village for the dedication of their son, Ashish. They had the privilege of dedicating the five-week-old boy for the glory of God, in front of 300 villagers who were the relatives and friends of Sidhu and Lakshmi. Regi shared a Gospel message, and 42 people responded to give their lives to the Lord. The same day they baptized 48 new believers from the surrounding village.

More Baptism Candidates

Today, there are sixteen villages in the area with new house churches. Previously a totally unreached area, the Gospel is now being shared around those villages. There are 178 baptized believers, hundreds of people are attending the house churches, and thousands have now heard the gospel.

The Child is Born

The story of Sidhu and Lakshmi reminds us of another birth we celebrate during this season. Joseph and Mary were a young couple from a small village. They, too, had some difficulties they had to overcome. Sidhu and Lakshmi ran away because of their love for one another, and to escape the persecution of their families. Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to be registered for the government census that was taking place. After Jesus was born, they ran away to Egypt to escape the persecution of Herod.

Sidhu and Lakshmi lived in a tent outside the village; Mary and Joseph had to stay in a stable because there was no room in the inn. Sidhu and Lakshmi’s lives were transformed from sadness to joy because of the birth of their firstborn son. Mary and Joseph’s lives were transformed, and all our lives were transformed, from sadness to joy, because the Christ, the Savior of the World, was born!

This Christmas, our outreach teams have been busy sharing the Gospel door to door in many villages. 400 house church leaders (brothers and sisters in Christ) have been sharing the Gospel throughout unreached villages, along with the believers in their congregations. They have distributed 100,000 Gospel of John packets, and 60,000 New Testaments. From December 20th through the 27th they will be holding 60 public meetings in various areas. Picture a tent revival meeting, and you will get the idea of what a public meeting is like. As our brothers share the message of the Gospel, and demonstrate the Gospel through healings, miracles, signs, and wonders, pray for the hearts of the people attending, that they will desire a relationship with Jesus. Pray that extraordinary miracles will take place. Pray for boldness for every believer.

In addition to praying for the teams, please keep our leadership team in prayer. We ask for God’s wisdom and  grace to continue leading the ministry.

Help Us Share the Gospel

We thank God for ordinary people like Sidhu and Lakshmi whom God is using for His Glory and the expansion of His kingdom. Today the message of the Gospel is speeding into the unreached villages of India through native believers, transforming thousands of lives.

Did you enjoy this testimony? Will you help us continue sharing the Gospel in the darkest places of India? Ask Father God what He would have you do. To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Proclaiming the Gospel…

                      …until He comes,

December 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

As 2021 comes to an end, the leadership team at Exciting Word Ministries hopes each of you have a Blessed and Merry Christmas, and we wish you a Joyful and Happy New Year!

If you have any prayer requests, drop us a note so we can pray with you, believing for God’s answer.

Merry Christmas


Happy New Year!!

Tom & Teri

Regi & Sherly

Exciting Word Ministries

Made Clean By The Gospel

Paramjit Singh was born in a traditional Sikh family. His father was a priest in the Sikh temple in his village. Paramjit was brought up according to the Sikh traditions and religious practices. At the age of 7 he was afflicted by psoriasis. He was treated with modern medicine, eastern medicine, and religious rituals, but as the days went by it just got worse. The doctors advised his parents to cut his hair, but their religion does not allow it. Eventually, the skin disease spread over his entire body. All his hair fell out, and at the age of 10 he was completely bald. He was not allowed to leave the house, attend school, or play with other children. He spent most days alone, locked in the house for the next 11 years. Living in deep depression and pain, his body smelled very bad. No one entered his room; instead, they would leave food outside his door and leave. His siblings never talked to him; they all hated him, and cursed him for being in their home.

Three years ago, two young men, students of our house church leaders training program, shared the Gospel in an unreached village to fulfill their practical evangelism during the Christmas season. They passed out literature and shared the Gospel with every house in the village, praying for anyone who gave permission. They  came across an old woman with whom they shared the Gospel and asked if she needed prayer. She told them about Paramjit and took them to his house.  No one answered the door, so they went around back and called to Paramjit through the window. When he came to the window and saw the students with the old woman, he told them to go away. The old woman said to Paramjit “these people came from faraway and want to pray for you.” At first, he said he didn’t want to meet anyone and had no need for anyone’s prayer. But the old woman politely asked him to allow the students to pray for him. Because of her persistence, he allowed it. The students shared the story of how Jesus healed the leper (Mark 1:40). After sharing the story, they asked him to stretch his hands through the window, but Paramjit said “don’t touch me, the skin disease will spread to you!” But reluctantly he allowed them to hold his hands, which had no skin, only muscle tissue. The students blessed him and prayed for him. While they were praying, Paramjit’s family came around the back of the house. They shouted profanity at the students and the old woman and threatened to break their legs if they came again to meet Paramjit. The villagers heard the shouting and accused the students as thieves who came to loot the house. They called the police, who, after questioning the students, sent them home.

According to Paramjit, he would lie awake for hours every night, scratching his body, but that night he slept peacefully. The next morning, he noticed his body was dry. Until then, he would wake up wet from fluid and pus oozing from his sores. He was astonished by this new development, and knew that it was because of the prayers of the young people. He wanted to share with his parents but they wouldn’t listen. Every day his condition improved. Within 10 days the sores were all dried up, and only the marks were left. Paramjit’s mother noticed that something was going on. One day she opened Paramjit’s room and found her son free of sores and without any infection. For the first time in 11 years, he came out of his room. It was an amazing sight for his parents and family. They had lost all hope. Later, Paramjit’s parents shared in a public meeting that “several people suggested to us to secretly poison him and kill him, because our younger children would be infected with same skin disease, but we could not do it.” Now he stands in front of them healed by the power of Jesus, and they can hardly believe it is true.

Paramjit’s parents found the young students and brought them back to their village, and they, too, could hardly believe that he was the same Paramjit. Paramjit’s entire family accepted Jesus into their lives. According to Paramjit’s father “I was a Sikh priest for 29 years, singing praises in the temple to all the Masters, hoping that one day they would show mercy to my son, but Jesus, whom I have not known, not served, not prayed to, not offered anything in my life, sent His messengers to my family and healed my son. He alone shows Mercy to the afflicted.” Regi had the privilege and honor to give baptism to Paramjit and his family.

They endured physical, mental and emotional persecution from their community and relatives to deny Christ, but God gave them strength to stand.

During the COVID lockdown they were unable to attend any services, so they started a family prayer meeting with 4 members of their family. Every week attendance grew from their family, friends and nearby villages. Hundreds of people came to the Lord, many were delivered from addictions and demonic attacks, many were healed, and hundreds were touched by the Holy Spirit and accepted Jesus into their life.

Prayer Meeting

Last week Regi was in Paramjit’s village to set the cornerstone for the church building they are planning to build. Over 250 people, mostly from Paramjit’s community, were worshiping the Lord. If not for the COVID restrictions, even more people would have come. That afternoon 29 people were baptized. Even during the lockdown, God is working, adding and calling people into the Kingdom of God. God is using this young man and his parents to expand His Kingdom. We need hundreds of Paramjits who have experienced the power of God in their life, have been saved by Grace, transformed by the Holy Spirit, and are transforming the lives of people around them.

Baptism Candidates

Help Us Share the Gospel

We thank God for ordinary people like Paramjit whom God is using for His Glory and the expansion of His kingdom. Today the message of the gospel is speeding into the unreached villages of India through native believers, transforming thousands of lives.

Did you enjoy this testimony? Will you help us continue sharing the Gospel in the darkest places of India? Ask Father God what He would have you do. To find out how to contact us, and to read more inspiring and exciting testimonies of what God is doing among the unreached people groups of India, click the links on the right, and keep reading!

Proclaiming the Gospel…

                      …until He comes,

November 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

We have so much to be thankful for. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, soon followed by Christmas, let’s remember our blessings. Instead of dwelling on life’s challenges and struggles, let’s remind ourselves and one another of all the good things we have in life. Not everything we experience is good, but even during negative situations, we can find glimpses of good, if we look hard enough. You might love summertime. Instead of complaining that the days are getting colder and shorter, take notice of the brief interlude of warm days between the cold ones. Instead of dwelling on the cold weather, think of hot chocolate by a warm fire.

Travel and family gatherings might be difficult this year but cherish the memories of the past. If you can meet in person, make the most of every moment. If you can’t, remember that video calls can help to bridge the gap you might be feeling. If you or a family member is struggling with an illness or other problem, call out to the Lord for help. And drop us a note so we can pray with you, believing for God’s answer.

This month’s story is about bringing hope in a time of despair. As C.S. Lewis once said, we are all immortal beings, who will spend eternity somewhere. How can you reach out to someone around you, and help them draw closer to God? The message of the Gospel is not simply a message of the future. It’s a message for the present, too. May God to give you His eyes, so you can be His hands and feet for those around you. People need to hear the message you carry, and they need to see a demonstration of God’s love.

God is providing everything we need to continue His work in India. Ask Him how He wants you to partner with us. Keep believing and keep praying.

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
