Brother Ullas and his family were falsely accused of kidnapping. The truth of the matter is that some young girls, who are the friends of Ullas’ daughters, have been attending their prayer meeting, every Friday evening from 4 pm to 6 pm. Some Hindu radicals, with the agreement of the girls’ parents, locked up the girls and accused Brother Ullas and his family of kidnapping them. The police arrested Ullas and his wife and questioned them for 6 hours concerning the young girls. But the following morning, the missing girls escaped from their captors, came to the police station, and asked for protection from the Hindu radicals and their parents. After spending 48 hours in jail, Ullas and his wife were finally released.

“But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness you are blessed and do not fear their intimidation and do not be in dread” (1Peter 3:14)