As we approach the end of Summer Outreach 2019, we look back in amazement on what God has accomplished. Eighty-six young men joined us for the four-month outreach, coming from different Indian states, different cultures, different languages and family backgrounds. They all joined together for one goal: “reach the unreached with the message of the Gospel”. Young men between the ages of 18 and 28, who once walked in the world, according to the world, living for worldly pleasure, seeking to please their flesh, and spiritually blind.
But God in His great mercy sent the message of the Gospel into their lives. Someone loved them enough to share this glorious message, and it transformed their lives, their way of thinking, and their character. Now they are trying to live according to God’s Word; trying to please the Master who laid His life down for them. They now want to become carriers of that glorious Gospel message to people who have never heard.
The purpose of our Summer Outreach program is not only reaching the unreached and starting prayer groups, but also casting the vision, burden, and importance of reaching the unreached to the younger generation. Before joining the outreach team these young men had a knowledge of missions, or were involved in local mission work around their church, but they had never experienced pioneer mission work. On the unreached mission field, there are no comforts of home, no friends or family nearby, a totally different culture, and a totally different lifestyle. Here, they have only one goal—reaching the lost.
The Vision Grows

Recently R* was in state where he was invited to meet with around 120 native missionaries who are involved in ministry in small tribal villages. The leader of that group is a young man in his thirties and a former Summer Outreach team member. He now leads 120 missionaries reaching this unreached people group. The young man said “Even before I joined the Summer Outreach team, I wanted to serve the Lord. But I had no idea in what capacity. During the outreach work, God gave me the vision and burden to reach the people around me who are perishing. I came back to my own people and started reaching the unreached people with the message of the Gospel. Since then, we have started more than 800 prayer groups and house churches in the surrounding counties around my home.” (emphasis mine)

Counting the Cost
V* is from a wealthy, Hindu high-caste family. In his own words “My family members have served as the temple priests in my village for many generations. My father is the current priest, and from childhood onward he has trained me to be the next priest in the temple. When I was 18, they sent me to learn Sanskrit (an ancient Indian language in which all Hindu scriptures are written). While studying (at a famous university) someone gave me a copy of the Gospel of John. That small book drew me to Jesus, and I soon gave my life to Him. When my family learned of my new faith, they rejected me and I was thrown out of my own home. My own father tried to poison me and kill me, but God in His mercy saved me from death. I was even more determined, and dedicated my life to the Lord’s service. Last February I joined the Summer Outreach team, and they sent me to a remote area to minister in one of the unreached people groups. Coming from a high-caste family, living among the “untouchables” was almost unbearable, but the Lord gave me endurance and His love with which I could love them. I felt Christ’s compassion for thousands of young men and women who lived in sin and idol worship, not knowing the only true Savior who can save them.

Together with the other team members, I shared the Gospel with people in 64 villages. Until now, they had lived under the curse of idol worship and in darkness. We experienced the joy of leading hundreds of people to the Lord, and started 24 prayer groups. The four-month outreach program has opened my eyes and transformed my life. It has given me a clear vision and goal, and built my faith in the Lord. My life goal has become this: share the Gospel with those who have never heard.” (emphasis mine)
How Will They Hear?
S* was a Summer Outreach team member in Bihar. “I would often hear the word ‘unreached’ but I never really understood what it meant until I went to the first village with the outreach team and asked people ‘do you know Jesus?’ I asked hundreds of people I met in the village, but I did not get even one positive answer. No one in any of the villages we visited knew Jesus, or even knew about Him. I felt very small. I finally realized the meaning of Romans 10:12-15 ‘For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?’ I knew believing in Jesus was important, but I finally realized that, in order to believe, someone needs to hear, in order to hear, someone needs to preach, in order to preach someone needs to be sent, and finally, in order to be sent, someone needs to be willing to go! (emphasis mine) I praise the Lord I was willing to come for the outreach, and that you sent me to the unreached villages in Bihar. I shared the Gospel, thousands of people heard, and many believed in Jesus. As I return to Bible College to complete my studies, I rejoice in the Lord for the opportunity to reach thousands of families with the message of the Gospel, lead many to the Lord, and start hundreds of prayer groups in the unreached villages. I feel very encouraged and spiritually edified. Knowing the importance and the urgency of sharing the Gospel to the unreached people has changed my priorities of life. Today I feel honored to be a part of the group mentioned in Romans 10:15 ‘How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.’”
The Beautiful Feet
Thousands of young men have been a part of our Summer Outreach team over the past 20 years. They have become some of the finest pastors, evangelists, and mission leaders who have caught the vision of reaching the unreached in different states of India. When we travel to different places, they come up and shake our hands and tell us they were part of an outreach team, and how that experience has changed their lives, and given them a vision for reaching unreached people groups.
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