July 2019 Letter

The Right Thing

Dear Partners and Friends,

As I reflect on the stories in this month’s newsletter, I can’t help but think of a quote from Stephen Covey, the well-known business consultant who told us about seven habits that would help us be more effective. He said “the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” Understanding what is important, and then striving to keep that “main thing” always in focus. Gary Keller (of Keller-Williams) spoke about the “one thing,” about narrowing your focus on that which is your most important activity. But long before Stephen or Gary, Jesus said it best: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you.” (Matthew 6:33, MEV)

It’s not enough to focus on one thing, or to keep that one thing in place; we have to know and be convinced that the “one thing” is the right thing. The young men whose stories are featured in this month’s newsletter understand this. They have come to realize that the most important thing they can put their energy toward is sharing the Gospel, and specifically, sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard.

How can you and I stay focused? How can we be sure we are doing “the right main thing?” By immersing ourselves in the Word of God. His Word is a light to our path, and a lamp to our feet. His Word is what we hide in our hearts. His Word is the plumb line by which all other things are measured and compared. Feed on His Word, and then go and live your life accordingly. Share His Word with others around you, so they can come to know our Wonderful Savior.

If you need prayer, contact us. We would love to agree with you for God’s answer in your life. Just ask, and believe, and you will receive (Mark 11:24). And as He answers your prayers, please send us your testimony so we can rejoice with you. If you would like to partner with us, again, contact us. Our teams are actively working to advance God’s kingdom. For more inspiring and exciting testimonies, visit our home page.

We overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the word of our testimony. The more people who receive this newsletter, the more hearts will be touched, and the more God will provide for our missionaries. With your help, the Gospel will be proclaimed, the Kingdom of Heaven will be advanced, and you will be blessed!

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,
