The Alcoholic Becomes a Pastor

S*: “I was an alcoholic. No one came near me, or talked to me, including my wife and children. I was miserable. The addiction took everything from me; my wealth, health, reputation, family and friends. I felt alone, and I even tried to commit suicide several times. One day a young man came by, sat down, and talked with me, with great affection and kindness. He told me how Jesus loves all sinners. I told him “You are wrong; no one loves sinners.” But he was persistent. He gave several examples from the Gospels that demonstrated God’s love for sinners. He told me about the woman caught in adultery, the thief on the cross, and finally, about the man in the temple, who prayed, ‘Lord have mercy on me!’ That day, under a mango tree, I asked the young man, ‘Can Jesus show his love to me?’ He said, ‘If you repent from your sin Jesus will pour His love in your heart and you will be transformed.’ I asked him to pray for me. He laid his hands on me and began to slowly pray for me. I was standing, but not for long. I felt so weak. My knees bent. Weeping, I asked Jesus to show kindness to me. When we finished prayer I felt fresh. I was smiling and felt light hearted. That day God saved me from the addiction, because of this young man who was willing to share Jesus with me and pray for me.”

S* went back to his home totally transformed. His family welcomed him back, and later the entire family received Jesus and became church members. A year later, he attended our training program. After graduating, he went back to his own people and friends, and the Lord helped him lead many people to Christ. Today he leads two house churches, one in his home and the other in the neighboring village.