The Dying Man Finds New Life

After D* shared her testimony (see The Dead Baby Finds New Life), a young man stood up to testify. He came from a Hindu high caste family, and three years ago he came to know the Lord, through the witness of a friend. Since then, his parents were very unhappy—they said he brought shame on his family, and threw him out, asking him to never return. From that day, three years ago, he has had no contact with his family. He tried to visit them but they refused to allow him in the home. Last week he heard from a friend from his village that his father fell ill a few weeks ago. He was resting at home, but his situation was not good. He called the church to pray for his father. Then he and another brother from the church went to see his parents. Prior to this, every time he tried visiting his parents they humiliated him in front of the people, accusing him, cursing him, and using all kinds of abusive words.

As he approached his village he asked the Lord to restore the broken relationship with his parents. He wanted to show his love and respect for them, and most importantly, lead them to the Lord. As he arrived at his village he went to his home without any resistance. They allowed him to see his father, who was very sick. He sat with him, and with much difficulty his father told him “All through my life I served and worshiped our gods and goddesses but I never experienced any joy or inner peace in my life. Now I am very afraid to face the last days of my life. I am so restless, but since the day you came and told us that you received Jesus in your life, you have joy, inner peace, and assurance of your salvation, things I have never experienced in my life. Watching your life, I know you have been changed and transformed. Please tell me about this new God you worship, the One who changed your life.” With tears, he shared the Gospel with his father, and led his father to the Lord. There in his father’s bedroom, he led his whole family in a prayer of repentance and dedication to the Lord Jesus. After the prayer, his father talked quietly with each of the family members. He died in peace a few hours later.

The young man said though it was very painful for him to witness the death of his father, at the same time he was rejoicing in his heart, knowing his father would spend eternity in heaven with Jesus. He finished by saying that today his mother and six other family members were in the service.