The Multitudes Hear the Good News

R* is a village with more than 300 families, situated in the middle of a field in a remote area. When our team arrived, there were no known Christians in the village. In December, our Christmas outreach team went to each house, systematically shared the Gospel, and gave out literature to everyone. With the village chief’s permission, on December 23rd we had a public meeting in the village. Our brothers pitched a tent and a small sound system, expecting between 100 and 150 people. By 11am, more than six hundred people had come to the Gospel meeting. Our tent was too small, and the sound system was too small for this many people. Humanly speaking, the arrangements were poor and inadequate.

The Multitudes Hear the Good News

But God was big enough to touch and heal and deliver and meet the needs of the people. The Holy Spirit moved in a special way in the meeting. Many people were delivered from evil spirits; many were touched by the power of God. During that meeting, more than a hundred people responded to the altar call and gave their lives to Christ. In response, our brothers began a Sunday afternoon meeting, where 70 people attended the first week and more than 100 people attended on the second week.

Set Free by the Power of the Gospel

One woman who heard about the meeting was suffering from severe headaches for a long time. She had been to all kinds of treatments, but nothing worked, and she fell into a deep depression. A relative from another village told her about the Christian meeting in the village, and in desperation, she walked 4 miles to the meeting, all the while still suffering with the headache. When our brothers prayed for her, the Lord touched her. She had been tormented by the powers of darkness, but during the prayer, God delivered her completely from the evil bondage, and set her free from the headache. She became very happy, and was overwhelmed with heavenly peace and joy. She shared her testimony with the people, and returned home as a new person.

The Multitudes Hear the Good News

The Bible says “The people which sat in darkness saw a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up.” Yes, thousands of people who sat in darkness for many generations were able to see the glorious light of the Gospel through the outreach. This was made possible by our Lord, by your prayers and financial support. Agree with us in asking the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into the harvest field, and that He would provide them with the necessary financial support to be effective.