Tidings of Great Joy at Christmas

Christmas always brings joy to our families. But for more than 360 men and women in our house church leaders’ training program, Christmas was also a time of harvesting souls. As part of their practical training, they went out to their neighboring, unreached villages to share the Gospel, starting on December 14th through the day before Christmas. With your help, we provided them with all the resources they needed for the outreach. They shared the Gospel and distributed literature to more than 29,000 homes, in 152 villages, in just 10 days! To wrap up the outreach, they conducted 42 public meetings in different unreached villages, and more than 12,000 people attended these public meetings and again heard the Gospel. For most of them, this was the first time they had attended a Christian meeting. Over 1800 people responded to the altar calls and expressed their desire to follow Jesus in their life.

Everywhere the outreach team went, the presence of God was tangible and they could see the favor of the Lord. In every public meeting, Jesus healed the sick, delivered the demon-possessed, and broken families were reunited.

The Power to Heal was Present

A* has lived in the same village since birth. Until he fell ill, he drove cars for a living, and his mother and two sisters took care of the house and small farm they owned. Unexpectedly, A* became very sick. He was admitted into the hospital 3 times, but none of the treatments worked. His last visit was for two months. The doctors did everything they could to treat him but his condition did not improve. Instead, the family fell into deep debt. They borrowed money from the lenders and got into financial difficulties the family could not repay.

During the Christmas outreach, a few sisters visited A*’s home with literature, and shared the Gospel with A*’s mother and sisters, working in the field. They had never heard the name of Jesus before, but the Holy Spirit moved in their hearts. In tears, they shared their problems with the sisters, including their brother’s sickness, and asked them to pray for them. Our trainees went with them to their home. A* was lying in bed, barely able to get up, a young man who had lost all hope. Our sisters prayed with them for A*’s physical healing. Our trainees felt the presence of God in that place. They invited the family to a public meeting. On December 24th, A* and his family, along with four other families, came to the public meeting, which was held in the neighboring village. They met with the sisters who visited them and shared the Gospel with them and prayed for them. A* was walking energetically, happy, and he testified that he had been delivered and healed. He gave his testimony in that meeting, and on that day, at the end of the meeting, A*, his mother, his two sisters, and 9 of their relatives gave their lives to Christ. The following Sunday, A* brought still more people to church.

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