Two years ago, a few of our brothers were traveling to a meeting and stopped at a tea shop along the way. There they found a young man sitting and washing the utensils, and as he worked he sang a Christian hymn in the Hindi language. He had a beautiful and melodious voice. When the brothers realized he was singing a Christian hymn they thought he was a Christian. But to their surprise, they found out that he was a Hindu, and had never heard about Jesus in his life. The brothers asked him “Where did you learn the song you were singing?” He told them he heard it on the radio and was touched by it.
One of our brothers sat with him and shared the meaning of the song (it was about the suffering of our Lord Jesus on the Cross). They invited him to the meeting they were going to, about 4 miles away from where he lived. He was willing to come. A brother preached that evening about the suffering of Christ on the cross, and at the end of the message he asked the young man to sing the song in front of 250 people. He had never sung in front of so many people, so with great nervousness he sang the song. It was beautiful and almost everyone’s eyes were filled with tears, including his own. When he finished, he fell on his face and wept. That day more than 100 people responded to the altar call, including this young man.
Today he is one of the leading worship leaders in northern India, leading thousands of people to worship the living God in spirit and truth. Three weeks ago he was the worship leader in one of the public meetings where, when he saw our brother, he came and touched his feet with respect. He led the worship, then shared his testimony of how he came to know the Lord and how Jesus transformed his life from a street boy to a worship leader. This touched the hearts of the people, and hundreds of young people responded to the altar call.