Sister Geeta (name changed) who came to the Lord three years ago, is now a house church leader with three house churches in different villages. She was taken from her home by the police at 5am. They accused her of practicing witchcraft and took her to the police station. The police mistreated her, threatened her, and demanded that she deny her newfound faith in the Lord, and forsake Jesus Christ.
When she refused, they brought the false allegations against her and kept her in custody illegally until the evening. The whole time, they refused to allow her to breastfeed her six-month-old baby girl. She was told if she denied Jesus and agreed to stop sharing her faith with others, she would be allowed to nurse her baby and they would send her back home. She replied, “You can kill me, or kill my baby, but I can’t forsake Christ.”
Finally, after seeing her faith and determination to follow Jesus, the police took her back home in their own car. Praise God for her unwavering faith and courage.